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so bored i want to die

the way i feel right now. caused by lack of sleep lack of friends lack of proper nutrition and lack of fucks given. the only way to end it is to listen to the inconsiderate voices that i hear and try to block out on a min. to min. basis but that would end in catastrophe

me:"im so bored i want to die"

voices:"ok then die"

by youbetchyah July 18, 2018

National I Want To Die Day

After you've been through the worst pain of your life so you decide your done.

Kyle:Man whats tomorrow?
Zephir: Oh its National I Want To Die Day.

by Zage Pseudonym October 4, 2020

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I want to fucking die

Something you say at the end of every work day when you come home exhausted and life doesn’t make any sense and just isn’t worth it

Something you scream into the pillow in your room when you’re alone

Something you say because you have long-lasting clinical depression that never goes away

I want to fucking die living is only pain and not worth it

by kuykee11 February 12, 2019

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I want to fucking die

The phrase all of us say when we make regrets after regrets after regrets. Especially when those regrets bite us in the ass HARD. More likely to say it, and with more passion, especially when the consequences of your regrets are spelt out for you right in front of your face.

Idk why i said this, i want to fucking die.

Idk why i keep doing the same, godawful shit, i want to fucking die.

Why the fuck did i think this was okay, i want to fucking die.

Why the fuck is all of this bullshit happening to me, i want to fucking die.

by _kill_me_please_ September 28, 2022

i want to fucking die


hey, dude... i want to fucking die.

by danielhowell November 16, 2017

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I want to fucking die

Something mentally ill people type into the Google searchbar from time to time because they feel an intense sense of desperation and hopelessness but don't think it's serious enough to tell an actual human being.

Should I call a suicide hotline? Nah, I'll just look up "I want to fucking die" and see if a mass media corporation has any answers for me.

by nothing_helps September 13, 2021

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I really want to die.

a statement that is one step higher than a regular "I want to die," used by the person who says it to indicate that it is a cry for help and he/she is having serious suicidal thoughts and is not joking

Person 1: I want to die.
Person 2: I really want to die.
Person 1: Hahahaha... No you don't, you just want attention! Hahahaha!
Person 2: (actually pulls a gun out and shoots himself in the head)

by standing up for what's right February 27, 2023

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