Source Code


1. A bolw, bong, or any other pot pharaphenailia
2. A Crack Pipe

1. You got any inhalers i can use for this mary-jane???
2. Can i put those rocks in my inhaler???

by Twiztidly Insane December 14, 2006

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rooster inhaler

An obnoxious person. A cock-sucker.

John was mean to me, but he might've gotten offended if I called him a cock-sucker, so I called him a rooster inhaler.

by Chipperbit2 July 17, 2012

Penis Inhaler

A Person Who So Fervently Sucks Cock That They Accidentally Inhale The Semen Up Their Nose.

Guy:Holy Shit You Penis Inhaler ya sucked my sperm up yer nose!

by TK NoFear January 23, 2009

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snap inhale

a method of inhaling where one opens his/her mouth lets a cloud of smoke out or simply shows the smoke in his/her mouth then quickly inhales, sucking all the smoke in. This is normally done by lifting the tongue up then opening your mouth and snaping your tongue down while inhaling.

Also known as a ghost

a snap inhale is hot as shit

by valoem November 26, 2005

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Dick Inhalation

To intensely suck one's penis; to devour le dick

Basically a fancy way of saying blowjob

Person 1: What'd you two do last night

Person 2: Oh you know, she gave me a good dick inhalation

Person 1: Nice, man *high fives*

by Ur mum (ooohhh got em) November 20, 2018

vicks inhaler

A small nasal inhaler containing levmethamphetamine and camphor oil used by people on ecstasy for a rush.The chemicals in the cotton inside may also be used to make a shitty form of stovetop crank.May also be used by sick people,for something.

After the party we gathered up all the used vicks inhaler tubes and made a batch of speed.

by the tweaker February 16, 2004

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Inhale Shaft

The act of being a shaft inhaler, as in, "god I fucking hate it when Dan shows up, that guy really inhales shaft."

Also used to explain when someone really sucks at something, as in, "The Detroit lions really inhale shaft at football."

If you've ever read any of the Twilight books...you might inhale shaft.

If you've ever been referred to as "that guy" or a douche bag...you might inhale shaft.

by Tsunami17 March 2, 2010

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