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intestinal suck

Its when you give someone who has just taken a strong laxative an enema by puking in there ass, letting it stay in for a few minutes, and then sucking it out (along with the shit) while swallowing. Like a beer bong.

"oh yeah girl, i can hear those burritos you had for lunch churning in your gut and all i had for lunch was sour cream and salsa, what do you say you let me have a full lunch, and we go back to my room so i can puke in your ass and then suck it out, nothing beats an intestinal suck after all". "Oh yeah my names Johnny, do you come here often"?

by johnny jerkmeoff April 14, 2006

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Intestinal rippy

When your booty hole let’s loose like a fire hydrant

I have to clean the entire bathroom after that intestinal rippy

by Bigmuddyguy April 7, 2023

Intestine Tapper

A person who, by intention or by poor aim, inserts their penis into another person/animals' anus.

Guy: "Am I in yet?"
Gal: "We need to stop having sex with the lights off intestine tapper."

by jwb71 July 23, 2011

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Intestine Barbeque

When a band of lunatics decide to have a barbeque. One of them gets a knife and cuts their belly open and their intestines spring out. Then the intestines are fried on the barbeque and served with bat poo.

Mmmmm... That was tasty! That was the best Intestine Barbeque ever!

by Lt.AC April 21, 2009

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intestinal sculpture

art consisting of remnant/s of previously consumed food usually found in/on a water-filled porcelain canvas... ie: SHIT!! (doug tracht, "the greaseman")

i just stepped in a dogs' intestinal sculpture, and about gagged!!

just layed a 'loaf' that was some definite intestinal sculpture!!

'baby' wouldn't eat my intestinal sculpture!

by michael foolsley May 10, 2011

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intestinal suck

An extreme sexual fetish act consisting of anal defecation into one's mouth after a Mouth-to-ass vomiting session.

Man, i love intestinal suck with shirley. Our processed fluids have great culinary chemistry, especially when we've both been eating curry.

by ImmaculateCock October 26, 2007

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Intestinal Evacuation

The 24-hour period of time spent on the toilet after drinking a good hard litre of sweet prune juice

Lary: Dude, the boys dared me to drink a litre of prune juice... let's just say the intestinal evacuation that followed was not at all pretty. Cindy was stuck cleaning the toilet for the next 6 days

by Left Some Answerz February 23, 2010

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