The sensibly unique creature with full of passion, love and kindness and independence. Someone who forgives but never forgets. Lucky to have. Full of humour and happiness. Easy going, generous and chaotic . Basically a full package of emotions and enthusiasm.
Irat, you wanna join the party tonight?
Irat is a part in her own self.
I am this right now.... In addition to being Hym... But I'm always Hym.... So that isn't really noteworthy....
Hym "How would I describe myself right now? Irate. I mean, an entire ethic that revolves truth and here I am not being told the truth because it would result in someone getting something they 'don't deserve.' and what makes it social Lysenkoism is that you're actually trying to enforce it over there by way of privation and a pretty huge lie of omission. 'It'S fOr YoUr OwN gOoD!' No the fuck it isn't. It's the exact opposite."
When you can't spell irritated cause you're a dumbass
I'm very irated, please stop i- aw crap I spelt it wrong cause I'm a dumbass! I forgot.