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Anything relating to being a jackass. Can be used in many different ways.

I'm sick of hanging around and just being involved in your jackassery.

by I made this word up years ago! August 5, 2005

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random jackassery

the act of doing something completely off the wall for no reason at all

" Johns giving the cable guy a lapdance was just random jackassery"

by Shanrock April 1, 2010

general jackassery

noun-just fucking around

i was hanging out with some friends, and we got engaged in some general jackassery

by closing time April 18, 2008

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corporo-political jackassery

The shenanigans that corporations play with disingenuous politicians, which place them in a higher position than the politician's individual constituents. These shenanigans may include contributions, lobbying, influence peddling, manipulation of regulatory environments, strong-arming, or other techniques, not unlike those of organized crime, but legitimized by a corporate presence, employed to create a favorable environment for the corporation and its shareholders mostly to the detriment of the individual constituents within the district served and the corporation's stakeholders. Often corporo-political jackassery exploits weak-minded people who respond to buzzwords and grossly oversimplified skeletal concepts they don't understand with militant activism in defense of the buzzword, despite the obvious detriment to the individual; i.e., "Obamacare."

A number of protections were enacted following the Great Depression to prevent our economy from tanking, however thanks to decades of corporo-political jackassery, most were deregulated and Wall Street was alloiwed to police itself. The end product left the U.S. with massive foreclosures, layoffs, and an exodus of industry which further eroded the middle class.

by Hot East February 20, 2011

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terminal jackassery

When a young man deliberately agitates those around him, and cannot seem to exist without doing so.

Woman: Can you believe him? Putting ants in my hair and insisting I violently shake him to wake him up? A textbook case of terminal jackassery.

by Podium July 11, 2011

Grade-B Jackassery

Grade-B Jackassery is a common form of "Jackassery" on a grading-scale starting from "Grade-A Jackassery", but is specifically one level lower in intensity.

"Come on Mr. Bucknell, that form of Grade-B Jackassery is not appreciated here."

"You know I was being a Grade-A Jackass, but James you can't be following my Jackassery with Grade-B Jackassery. It's just not the same thing."

by Biggie Dawg March 25, 2023

Grade-D Jackassery

Grade-D Jackassery is Jackassery at any-level of Jackassery, while really referring to the "D", or, "Dick", and is a reference to the sexual theme of a form of Jackassery.

Grade-D Jackassery is, in essence, responding in giving your opinion of something or someone by choosing to say option "d" - all of the above, and while simultaneously saying something was kinky, or otherwise sexually themed humor.

dude 1 "Dude remember how Fred's ex girlfriend that cheated on him was all up on my jock at that party last night?"
dude 2 "Yeah she's one slatternly chick. What did you say to her anyway, she looked PISSED when she left!"
dude 1} "Hahahah, she said she thought there was something between us. I told her 'Well you THOT WRONG!' LOL."
dude 2 "Dude no way that's straight up some Grade-D Jackassery right there!"

dude 1 "Dude, guilty as charged brotha, sings in Bob-Marley tone ~I shot the sheriff ~ but I did not fux with that beezy!"
dude 2 "Teacher be like- 'Well, you got straight D's all year long.... You PASS with HONORS son!' -Hahahahhaah!"

by Biggie Dawg March 25, 2023