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George Bush is our Karma for NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!!

"Hey, Archie---did you vote for George Bush in the last election?"

"Who, ME?!?!? Naw...I NEVER vote...I'm too busy watching 'Real World', downloading porn, wasting my trust-fund and whining about nothing to vote."

"Well, I guess the fact that George Bush has had TWO TERMS in office is your KARMA for being an apathetic little ass-monkey! And by the way: fuck you very much, Archie!"

by poppysister August 23, 2006

197๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž


doing random good things and expecting other random good things to happen to you because of that

"Once I helped this grandma pass the street, somehow it will pay back one day since I believe in karma"

by s1kx July 1, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A heaping pile of bullshit supernaturalism used by idiots to justify anything that may happen to someone they are personally inconvenienced by.

To imply there is a supernatural, conscious, sentient force that can determine human right and human wrong, and undertake action based on that judgment to adversely affect someone or something, is entirely stupid, and is nothing more than petty self-serving.

"Good luck explaining karma to a child with cancer."

by MaxHeadroom87 June 10, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


thing that comes back and bites u in the ass.

u do a bad thing with karma to someone, u will have bad luck.

by tamra lynn August 14, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bullshit idea that is used to manipulate stupid people, take advantage of the ignorant...

Its Karma you stupid fuck

by NoOne0 August 12, 2013

16๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


a certain someone who forgets easily, therefore resulting in absolute inconvenience, although, most of the time they will act quiet and reserved, they will have issues trusting other people, but will act more cheerful and applied to when people who will give them and advantage appear in their presence.
this person may be dangerous, and will not be able to get a hold of themselves, or their bloodlust under any circumstances. because that person, is not in control, and they are not catious, the bloodlust kicking in may be a problem, and he/she will not be able to remember anything he/she has done durring the current condition, even after doing something unforgettable..
-may be bi-polar

karma has just killed a person yesterday night. after all, they were getting ahold of her/his *someone karma is quite fond of*. after cleaning up all the evidence, karma goes home, exhausted. the day after, he/she wakes up, the person whom she/he doesnt remember killing shows up on the news. karma non-chalantly eats breakfast and listen to the reporters babble about the murder. karma then after continues her/his daily routine, and thinks nothing of the recent murders happening, after all he/she certainly didnt plan on getting involved, or so he/she thought they weren't already.

by ~useless.-++ July 15, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


karma means what goes around goes around, there is a few songs that spread this meaning.

eg. karma by lloyd banks (song)

eg. karma by alicia keys (song)

eg. "what comes around goes around, karma, get used to it you should of thought before you done what you done."

by xXx March 5, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž