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synonymous with perfect

Oh she's just kaylee

by Raging_chicken January 2, 2017

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


She's the hottest thing alive man!!! OMG she's so cute she'll melt you into beeswax. Real fiery though, my advice is to not upset her. She can melt you like a Popsicle or break you like a china doll, which one would you rather have? She's a great loyal friend that likes to talk about boys, simple and carefree And she likes to do things her own way.

Kaylees so fn hot man!!!! Ugh I want to date her!!!
No way dude, back off kaylees my girl. I'm lucky to have her too.

by DragonsRainbowsWaffles24 March 3, 2015

49๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Super cool girl. Usually has emo friends, is very loyal, and sweet. Usually has blue eyes and coloured hair. Shes really nice, likes good music, and reads amazing books. One of the best people you'll meet. She wears glasses and has really pretty blue eyes, her hair is naturally blonde/brown and shes kind of pale. Shes usually super proud of her heritage, because shes usually a dual citizen. One glance and you'll love her forever, even though she usually hasn't has any/many boyfriends.

Girl 1: Wow, what a cool girl over there. Look at her hair is so cool!
Girl 2: Oh, yeah, thats a Kaylee.

by YOUWISHYOUKNEW October 22, 2012

69๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kaylees are sometimes quiet, artistic, and creative. Kaylees can be anti-social too, but if you try and talk to them they'll be happy that someone would want to conversate. Also, kaylees can be random or crazy with only people that she feels comfortable with. I recommend not making a kaylee mad, because they are sweet, but very temperamental. But anyway, if you ever see anyone sitting alone, no matter what their name is, go talk to them so they feel wanted .

"Who is that girl drawing alone?"
"That's kaylee."
"You wanna try and talk to her?"

by nightfury675 January 10, 2018

26๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really funny, pretty girl. Very goofy and you will always laugh when you're around her. She will always cheer you up when you are sad. She is good to rant to because she's very understanding. Most likely a bts stan. Really great at art. If you meet a Kaylee, keep her close ;).

omg shes so great, whats her name?


Oh that makes sense

by Thst one ghurl March 9, 2019


Kaylee's are beautiful, smart, funny, and pretty much your typical white person. She can be very defensive sometimes, but she's way too hard to stay mad at. And she falls... A lot.

Make sure you don't let her fool you. Many people see Kaylee's as just another dumb blonde, but she's actually very smart. Kaylee is very athletic. She usually is her teams star player. So kaylee are just the total package that everybody wants.

Dude 1: damn that girl is so sexy.
Dude 2: too bad you can't have her.

Dude 1: y not?
Dude 2: she's a kaylee. Kaylees are perfect and well.... Your not.

by randumchiqq July 8, 2015

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a Sexy girl who knows what she's doing in life. She loves to bite.
Kaylee's are rare creatures and tend to fall easy. When handling Kaylee be sure to catch her if she falls. Kaylee is not a whore. She is good with her tongue and an intense kisser. Be kind to her because She was created a fighter but loves to be a lover. She is one amazing creature.

She's amazing, dude she's a total Kaylee!

She is so sexy and she knows what she wants out of life, She's such a Kaylee.

by oh dang lets bang May 24, 2008

4977๐Ÿ‘ 1859๐Ÿ‘Ž