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left lane hog

An inconsiderate slob who drives in the left lane and won't move over to let anyone pass.

A left lane dick. A left lamer.

A long line of soccer moms in their SUVs followed the left lane hog. Each one was waiting for her chance to be first in line.

by Cap'n Bullmoose April 30, 2005

81πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Left Lane Gang

Truckers who illegally drive in the left lane of the highway, leading up to fines and jail time. Because of the penalties for driving this lane, Truck Drivers avoid it at all cost.

That dam truck is in the money lane again. He must be a member of the Left Lane Gang.

by Iceman224 September 16, 2018

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left-lane driver

A driver who always drives faster than the other cars, that he is almost always in the left lane (trying to pass other cars).

Mark always drives soo fast, he's such a left-lane driver.

by Derek L. November 11, 2007

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left lane car wash

The act of spraying an excessive amount of washer fluid (especially on sunny days) on the car behind you after you've pulled in front of them. Typically used to serve vigilante justice to an inconsiderate left lane bandit.

Man, there were so many left lane bandits out there yesterday, that on a 2 hour drive I went through 3 gallons of washer fluid handing out the ole left lane car washse.

by FlyInverted May 14, 2015

left lane bandit

see Left Lane Dick

Left Lane Bandit is a more "PC" way of saying Left Lane Dick

by Keep Right Execept to Pass May 21, 2006

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left lane shit hauler

someone who hauls turkey shit in the left lane with a 18-wheeler.

dude, did you see those left lane shit haulers? no but i sure smelled them!!

by wicky wack January 22, 2011

left lane manager

Driver who rushes up behind you while you’re driving in the left lane on the highway and rides your ass until you move over to the right.

Uh oh, got a dickhead left lane manager on my ass, better move over before this fucktard barrels into us and kills us.

by creedlawofwny July 8, 2023