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A person who is strange and consistently says dumb things in social settings. Almost always dorky white guys, incels, who can't get laid. Being a loner is a character trait possessed by all mass shooters. Granted, not all loners are mass shooters; but all mass shooters are loners.

Last night, I saw that loner next door out in his garage working on something with a lot of wires coming from it. Better call the FBI.

by MJ813 October 10, 2019

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One who is probably super intelligent but doesn't want anyone to know that.

Someone people call weird because they didn't give the loner a chance to get to know them.

Someone who keeps to themselves, doesn't like conflict, but could kick ass if needed.

Someone that no one really knows except a rare few.

Social when needed and usually very talkative.

A person who's been backstabbed way too many times.

Staying away so no one will get mad or jealous that she smiled and misunderstood it as being "flirting."

Someone who prefers being alone, or with few important people in their life, it's by choice. Less drama.

Small circles, chosen few, anti conflicts, kick ass, less drama.

Someone of these traits could constitute as "loner."

Hey look at her, she's such a loner!

Happy loner!

by lonerstatus March 20, 2013

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Someone who would rather be alone then with others, but this doesn't bother them, in fact they like it. It gives then time to be themselves, without having to worry about being judged by others. They may not talk the most, but when you just give them a chance they can be a friend that will never leave your side, especially when you need them the most.

hey look at that kid in the corner sitting by himself, he's such a loner

by Blinkerrr April 13, 2015

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Alright, kids, let's have a true, unbiased, comprehensible, detailed definition. First off, loners are not necessarily social retards or depressed. Yes, one could be a loner because they are depressed or lack social skills, but there are also many loners who are named as such because they simply prefer their own company. Loners are characterized by enjoying solitary activities, such as listening to and making music, constructing art, writing, reading, thinking, learning, gaming on the internet and in video games, going on the computer for whatever reason, and other individual hobbies. Loners listen to whatever music they like; anywhere from Baroque to Blues Rock, Heavy Metal to Folk, Indie to Rap, Country to Techno. They dress however they please; they may have their own individual style, or just wear standard jeans and a t-shirt from whichever store at which they find themselves. Loners are just as likely to suffer and not suffer from depression and other mental disorders as anyone else; however, more commonly found amongst loners than those that are social may be Schizoid Personality Disorder, because it is, by definition, a "disorder" in which one lacks the desire for interpersonal relationships. Society today associates itself with a dogma that everyone desires to be socialized, have a close-knit or large group of friends and loved ones, etc, so that when there is someone who prefers solitude, they are often attributed as strange, depressed, feeling unloved, or insecure. This is not true. Loners are very diverse individuals; same as a case with someone you may find who is a social butterfly that fits into no specific group, you cannot stereotype or pigeon-hole loners. The only characteristic they possess that detaches them from another label is that they prefer their lonesome company.

Loners just like to be by themselves. That's all there is to it.

by Fabula August 8, 2009

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A person who is different by society, but is normal like everyone else. They prefer to be alone, but are just as smart as everyone else. They just prefer to be left is solitude.

1. A person who is unique and doesn't fit into any groups. (ex. punk, goth, cheerleader, jock, d***head, ect.) They are simply their own.

2. A person who society has labeled "unworthy of attention" or "different" or "retarded", when they are none. But they might not get happiness from society for turning them into freaks, leaving them friendless.

3) Someone who is wanted by everyone, but doesn't want to have to meet the excpectations.

If you see a loner, don't be a retard and make fun of them. Infact, you might be one yourself.

1. See that kid over there? He's cool, but he's a loner.

2. Haha, what are retarded loner, ooh he has a weird band shirt on! Let's beat him up!

3. Man, I would do ANYTHING to be his friend. Too bad he's a loner...

I'm a loner by society. Society can't take the fact that I am just myself. Screw society.

by Jinjondo June 16, 2011

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The Loner is a quiet creature. It has no one natural habitat, but is found usually on its own in a quiet place. The Loner is a solitary creature; the human counterpart to the Lone Wolf. Loners are subtle and charming, however they usually tend to be single simply because being a Loner mostly means that one does not have the care for another person or a group of friends. The Loner is rarely seen with more than 3 people at any time unless at a concert, dance, or other social gathering. Loners are usually very kind, as what small amounts of contact they have with others means a lot to them. The Loner doesn't rely on other people to define their existance. Things like school drama pose little more than entertainment to the Loner. Loners don't rely on others, and as a result are completely self-sufficient and know how to not look like a friendless loser when confronted with a situation with no friends around. Loners can be one's lifelong friend, voice of reason, and an all-around great person if someone took the few seconds and tried to be worthy of a Loner's precious time.

Cass: "Ooh, look, it's Chris...He's a bit of a Loner, don't you think?
Jen: "I think his way of doing his own thing makes him seem deep and not so average-douchebagish.."

Chris: *Keeps walking, totally keeping swag and solitude to the max, flashing a charming smile* "Hey."

by Bass_Drop_Biatch October 28, 2011

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A person who chooses to ignore the commonly held belief that humans are by nature social and therefore need constant interaction with others to lead an enjoyable life.
Usually this person enjoys a plethora of solo social activities (internet, books, gaming, science/math related hobbies) and can comfortably attend social events and activities alone.
Loners can interact socially and in some cases are well received by others; yet still look forward to their alone time.

A person whose mindset is different(in many cases exactly in opposition to) than most of the people they interact with regarding politics, social issues, economic issues, and life in general.
Loners in many cases would rather speak about issues that affect everyone rather than what this celebrity did on that day.
Loners also have a live and let live attitude.

In friendships and relationships loners are usually fiercely loyal and honest and can even be quite romantic; but their nontraditional style in many cases may leave their mates and friends in wonderment.
If a loner finds a similar soul, they will usually bond with that person well because there is no strong social obligation/demand as there may be with non loners.

Loners, if they do follow any traditions, usually do so in their own unique fashion which comes from self analysis rather than strictly following someone elses interpretation. Loners are close cousins to mavericks and pioneers. And some of them even become innovators and thinkers who solve certain problems in unexpected ways.

Loners are not to be confused with the lonely. Lonely people prefer being social, but for internal and/or external reasons have problems doing so.
Lonely people are the ones who suffer from depression and related disorders more than what is said to be normal because their need for human contact is not being fulfilled to their preference.

Being a loner is an active choice.
Being lonely is a collection of negative circumstances that limit choice.

The legendary Musashi was loner swordsman who, even though he trained under others, developed his best skills and even a strategic manual alone.

The person who I consider one of the dearest people I know(even more so than most of my blood relatives) is a loner.

She is smart. witty, intelligent, intuitive, deep, honest, caring, strong, assertive, free thinking, loyal

as well as physically attractive(in a general sense because I see her as mom).
She is teaching me ways to acquire my freedom and sovereignty more than just in my mind and habits.

by Nomadic Heretic August 31, 2009

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