1. An endearing term to call a brother who loves mangos.
2. short for mangy
3. long for man
Nolan: My stomach hurts. Ate too many mangos.
Noel: Feel better, mang.
1)To chill or hang out.
2)To express that you are simply doing nothing whether it be by yourself or with some friends.
3)Lounging around not having a care, or waiting for something to happen.
4)Chillen out
Used in a sentence:
"just manging with the friends today, how about you?
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one who is scruffy, usually idolizes merl haggard or waylon jennings, owns at least one of the following:
-Hank Jr T-shirt
-Confederate Railroad T-shirt
-Vince Gill T-shirt
-Oak ridge Boys T-shirt
If all are owned, he is the mangiest of the manges.
The God Father Mange will also have a Can Am 800 that cost more than the 5 cars he has sitting in his yard.
whats up Maaange?
Dang mange, your lookin rough!
that beard is gettin pretty mangey
18๐ 7๐
1. Mixture between the word Man (as in bro) and a name beginning with Ang/And (i.e. Angie, Andrea, Angel, Angelina, etc...)
2. A chill chick that's friends with madd biddies but still bros it out.
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1) Go to a graveyard with four of your buddies
2) Dig up Fresh corpse (male) and have a gang bang.
3) Afterwards, one of them puts there mouth over the anus.
4) Someone jumps on the stomach, shooting all the cum and maggots and such into the person's mouth. They swallow it.
*) Male version of munging
After munging the Thompson's Daughter last week I'll be manging Thompson's father this week.
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"It mangs!" is an expression used in very specific circumstances to alert others that you are in extreme pain. The only time it can be used is when a cold fun-sized Cadbury's Caramel bar is thrown and hits you on the neck.
"You alright, Mule?" "Aaaah, it mangs!" *Uncontrollable laughter*
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Another pronunciation of the word "man." It's most often used with close friends, or people you are comfortable with.
"Hey, you're sister and I... we really like each other. Do you think I should ask her to marry me?"
"Sure mangs!"
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