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Megamind is a 2010 Animated Superhero Comedy Film produced by DreamWorks Animation. The film tells the story of Megamind, a highly intelligent alien supervillain who becomes depressed after defeating his nemesis Metro Man. He creates a new superhero from Metro Man's DNA, but must become a hero himself when the new "hero" becomes an even worse villain than he ever was.

Megamind! Incredibly handsome, criminal genius and master of all villainy.

by RXQ1jj October 29, 2021


A person with an abnormally large forehead.

Some would say it could even be a landing platform for a small aircraft.

Did you see Sofia? Yes she has a megamind forehead.

Bro that person has a megamind i put a nickel on it.

by Big cumschlatt January 24, 2024


these motherfuckers are some how the smartest and stupidest people you will meet… they never get anything done but some how pass a AP class with a fucking B+

ok megamind, how the fuck are you passing

omg, he is megamind

by youclanker June 9, 2022


someone w a big ass forehead

boy: 'yo that chick is such a megamind!'
boy 2: 'i know bro, stay away from her'

by neketumeke March 7, 2021


1. Someone who does something completely retarded and thinks they are in the right.
2. Someone who is/acts retarded yet is successful. (Usually in a video game setting.)

1. "Sasha bought a hamster while her mother was out at a funeral and then said it was her mom's fault for leaving her alone. Total Megamind."
2. "This fucking Garrosh is making the dumbest moves yet he still wins. Like a total MEGAMIND."

by BluePwnsU May 17, 2018


The best movie ever made.


by ._- my eye broke November 1, 2019


When you do the opposite of a brain fart

Guy1: I cant get women

Guy2: Ok i didnt ask

Guy1: Wait a minute... dont care didnt ask stay mad!

Guy2: Woah Bro thats megaMind. But you should focus on getting women

by Old Memes Are Still Funny February 15, 2022