Megamind is a 2010 Animated Superhero Comedy Film produced by DreamWorks Animation. The film tells the story of Megamind, a highly intelligent alien supervillain who becomes depressed after defeating his nemesis Metro Man. He creates a new superhero from Metro Man's DNA, but must become a hero himself when the new "hero" becomes an even worse villain than he ever was.
Megamind! Incredibly handsome, criminal genius and master of all villainy.
A person with an abnormally large forehead.
Some would say it could even be a landing platform for a small aircraft.
Did you see Sofia? Yes she has a megamind forehead.
Bro that person has a megamind i put a nickel on it.
these motherfuckers are some how the smartest and stupidest people you will meet… they never get anything done but some how pass a AP class with a fucking B+
ok megamind, how the fuck are you passing
omg, he is megamind
boy: 'yo that chick is such a megamind!'
boy 2: 'i know bro, stay away from her'
1. Someone who does something completely retarded and thinks they are in the right.
2. Someone who is/acts retarded yet is successful. (Usually in a video game setting.)
1. "Sasha bought a hamster while her mother was out at a funeral and then said it was her mom's fault for leaving her alone. Total Megamind."
2. "This fucking Garrosh is making the dumbest moves yet he still wins. Like a total MEGAMIND."
When you do the opposite of a brain fart
Guy1: I cant get women
Guy2: Ok i didnt ask
Guy1: Wait a minute... dont care didnt ask stay mad!
Guy2: Woah Bro thats megaMind. But you should focus on getting women