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Snowflake melter

A gun

And then I pulled out my snowflake melter

by SMAR TA$$ October 17, 2018

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The MONACO MELTER is when you and a group of friends cum on a girl so much that she sticks to the floor/bed, then you and you're friends beat the shit out of her with a bunch of fly swatters and you dump here unconsious body in a dumpster and then you drive to the nearest Denny's and eat

Dad: so what did you guys do last night?

Son: well we did beer pong, then we smoked a bunch of duggies, and then we did the Monaco melter on venessa!

Dad: sounds like a party!

Son: yeah

Dad: kinda concerned though, you're 10

by BigPeePeePooPoo February 11, 2020

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Face Melter

The effects of a heavy metal scream, so high pitched that your ear drums will explode and your eyes will liquify into nothing but white ooze.

Rob Halford: Vocalist for Judas Priest, his scream is a perfect example of a Face Melter...

by Eddie Riggs January 8, 2010

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Pavement Melter

A violent, vertical backfire that shoots down one's trouser leg at alarming speed, scalding the ankles before venting it's super-heated fury on the concrete upon which one is standing

Dude i need to find a toilet fast or im gonna have a pavement melter

by Killaaaaaaaaa November 20, 2010

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Pussy Melter

Someone who melts your pussy because they’re so hot. Ex. Lee Pace, Alexander Skarsgard, Hyun Bin, Josh Charles, Dan Stevens, the character Shane in the L Word

Oh God, my pussy just melted. Lee Pace is a pussy melter.

by Zkat99 April 15, 2023

Meat Melter

A particularly ugly person who makes a hard dick go limp, like, immediately.

Bro, that girl we saw at the bar was hot but her friend was a total meat melter.

by PJCENT$ January 12, 2022

lady melter

1. A really good looking face that makes the ladies swoon and fight for the man who posseses it.
2. A guys face that all the ladies want to kiss.

Me looking in the mirror: Dang, my lady melter is stunning today.
Another random girl: NO HE IS MINE!
*Girls fight*

by Sandw May 7, 2006

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