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it is aa blackslang meaning "man"

you can use it like:
whatsup meng?

by Gunit September 18, 2004

15πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


A descriptive word used for sexually arousing females that play alot of ddr and are usually asian.

Wow she rocks at DDR and has nice boobs ! Wut a meng.

by Geno Red December 14, 2003

15πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


A term used by youths in Trinidad and Tobago to refer to a vagina

He hates football. He just started playing for a shot at some meng

by Liutile September 1, 2010

13πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


An asian accent influenced alternative to the slang word "man".

Gip me der big beef burker Meng

by pornflakes July 31, 2006

12πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


When someone says or does something or says something so idiotic, causing another person to insult their stupidity but accidentally says meng instead of speng or mong.
The original idiot is the meng in this situation.

Alex: What is Obama's last name?
Joshua: You are such a meng!
Mitchell: Don't you mean speng or mong?
Joshua: Both!

by JoshwaaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ June 16, 2016

9πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


1. To Rip Off. > You got menged. > "I menged that guy. I sold an eye piece for $30">

2. A condition of a person, undesirable. >
2b. Bitchy. >
2c. and attitude. > an attitude. > "My girlfriend is meng today." >
"Don’t talk to him. He's meng" as in ripping off> therefore his ATTITUDE or condition is MENG> >
So that takes double definitions.>
The condition can also mean annoying.

3. To get fucked. >
It's more like being ripped off. >
"I got menged today. I didn't finished my paper."> But let's put the first 3 definitions> together..... > ....a dork walks by. >
"Don't talk to him, he's meng." >
Def 2. His attitude is meng. >
Def 1 and 3. If you talk to him, you'll get> menged> because he'll be annoying and you can't cut him off.> That's 3 definitions in just,
""Don't talk to him,> he's meng."" > Using the dork example. >

4. Meng = dysfunctional.
> The toaster is meng. > :
My car is meng. > :
My car got menged. > :
That means two things.> :
...it could have broken down.... > :
...or Def #5: Get stolen. > :

5. Did you meng the bank last night?
Also meaning ripping off.

6. Meng = bootlegs. Send me the mengs.
> : Is that a meng?> :
CDs, DVDs, VHS, whatever. > :

7. Meng = to bootleg. > :
Meng me a copy of that. > :
I need these things menged by tomorrow. > : so instead of "burn me that cd" it could be "Meng> those cds" ? > :

8. Meng = to fuck, sexually. > :
Did you meng that goat? > :

look above

by Anonymous November 29, 2002

14πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


1) To have a hissy-fit
2) A gay person
3) Lesser known equal of Fuck

1) Go have a meng
2) Dude, what a meng
3) Meng!

by Cheezu$ May 28, 2003

12πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž