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A proud listener of the Metal music genre. Metal can be broken down into sub-genre such as Power Metal, Death Metal, and much more. Such sub-genres such as Glam Metal and Nu Metal are widely critized and mocked by other metal heads. Some of the most well known bands are Black Sabbath, VENOM, and Bathory. The stareotyped metalhead dress is a denim patch jacket with multiple band patches on them, blue jeans, and a metal shirt, accompanied with shirt with a metal band on the front, combat boots, and long hair, usually past the shoulders but with modern times, short hair is also wildely accepted in metalhead culture. Though each of the different sub-genres also seem to dictate a different type of dress, such as Black Metal which dictates more of a black leather jacket, corpse paint, and bullet belts, or like Nu Metal idiotic baggy pants and shirts.

"Dude those crazy metalheads in the mosh pit totally smashed that stupid idiot with the SlipKnot shirt!"

by Soviet_Wolf February 8, 2008

178πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


A follower of the black/death/heavy/thrash metal genres. Usually has long hair, band shirt blah blah, but basically listens to metal.

there are thousands of good metal bands i could name, the point being there is alot of extremely good technical metal beyond slayer and metallica and cannibal corpse etc.

most of the best metal comes from europe.

by cromlech September 8, 2004

209πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž


1) A fan of Heavy Metal music, often stereotyped as dope heads or satanists. This stereotype is completely false (see Sam Dunn). A metalhead dresses however the hell he or she wants to, which is maybe the reason why we carry certain stereotypes, its very unfortunate. Many of us are very loyal and hard working individuals, we are not normally found working in high-paying jobs such as lawyers, doctors, politicians, etc, not because we can't do those jobs, but because we don't want to. We see the ugliness and corruption that goes on in the white collar world and we want no part of it. Most of all, we are the most passionate music fans on the planet.

2) A person who wants to destroy the emo culture.

You might be a metalhead if:

- You went to go see the movie Iron Man thinking it was a Black Sabbath documentary.

- Every time you hear someone say the word "master", you repeat it.

- You do a school reasearch project on Panthers, but write the whole thing in spanish (that's a clever one, might take you a few seconds to catch on).

- You did a book report on "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" by Samuel T. Coleridge

- You win a poker game with the Ace Of Spades

- You want to defacate on Tipper Gore's grave

- You want to watch every emo get eaten alive by a pack of wolves

- You are intelligent

- You want the following songs to be played at your funeral:
Fade To Black by Metallica
A Tout Le Monde By Megadeth
Hallowed be thy name by Iron Maiden
Born In A Casket by Cannibal Corpse

- You think of an awesome Slayer song when you study the Holocaust.

by colossal_donut_666 March 30, 2010

46πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Metal head -metal listener that is often described as a drunkard, party crazed, or a fighter, but these are mostly stereotypes. Metalheads possess and eclectic taste for music.Metalheads tend to have a powerful dislike towards the close-minded and mainstream. The majority tend to be fairly liberal, easy going, free willed, and don't care what society wants, tend to think abstractly and have insightful thoughts, and can be found frequently air guitaring/ drumming in public.They know true metal, and don't argue it. Many harbor a great dislike for emo kids and wiggers/rap music (not real talent). 95% can play an instrument, and are also very loud due to blasting music. Metal lyrics are often political, philosophical, or poetic . Metal music is very often stereotyped as β€œ satanic devil related material” or "kill your mother" type. (If this were true, metal bands wouldn't sell as many albums or be as popular morons! Who hates their mom anyway?) This is the worst stereotype of them all and the reason many don’t give metal a chance. Metal lyrics also deal with independence, pride, and free will.Metalheads don't care to explain themselves, as their quite modest, and hate having to do so.Most metalheads don't preach metal and are not evangelical. If your not a metalhead,or at least respect the talent, we don't want you listen to the symphonic genius and ecstasy that flows from the metal gods because we probably don't care and don't like you anyway!

metalhead metalfan badass manbearpig

by JWEBER121 December 5, 2009

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Metalhead is a person who listens to metal music, no matter what subgenre of it.
A metalhead belongs to a subcluture which consists of metal music, dressing up metal like studs, spikes, leather or black clothes & band shirts in general. They often attend countless metal shows with all their metal buddies. Nothing wrong with it.
But metalheads divide in two, one side has the intelligent and the other the stupid. The first side usually had good grades at school, they never abused alcohol and are generally very educated, smart and intelligent people who just happen to like heavier music.
The other side however has people who nearly dropped out of school, drink alcohol more than anything else, swear, are violent and lack of brains.
Often these two sides of one subculture clash with eachother, making metal subcluture one of the most notorious and controversial of them all.
Metalheads also tend to be elitist towards the music they don't listen, EVEN inside their own subculture. check example 1
Not all metal listeners are metalheads. They do enjoy heavier music to a great extent, but they choose not to dress according the subculture and are very open to all music. They do attend metal shows, but every gig that comes to the country isn't a metal must. Those people aren't metalheads, they're metal listeners. check example 2

1 Metalhead 1: black metal is the ultimate grim, all melodic shit is gay!
Metalhead 2: I don't get black metal, it doesn't have any melody, it's just noise!
Metalhead 3: Shut the fuck up you two, both are just fine!
Metalhead 1&2: No YOU shut up, there's only ONE true metal genre!

2 Mary listens to the most evil metal music there is, but has only attended three shows in her entire life. She also loves to wear pretty high heels and lots of white (or any color that isn't black). She doesn't have many metalhead friends, she'd rather go shopping for new purses while listening Gorgoroth via her headphones. She's not a metalhead but metal listener.

by Ironcross December 22, 2008

43πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Despite common opinion, there is a difference between a metalhead and a simple metal fan. A metal fan is simply someone who likes to listen to metal.

A metalhead on the other hand is a dying breed of people that once made up a full blown countercultural movement of the 70s and 80s, but since has been worn down to a small and dispersed subculture. The internet has provided a great medium for metalheads to communicate through messageboards and forums about various metal groups both old and new.

A metalhead is not only a fan of metal music, but is dedicated to the knowledge of groups, to appreciating the full depth of various metal music (which is EXTREMELY deep), and appreciating the diversity of metal. A lot of metal heads have an appreciation of classical and opera music as well, in fact studies show that metalheads and classical music listeners have similar personalities, especially when it comes to music.

Contrary to stereotypes, there is no specific ideology or fashion for metalheads. Some may wear a suit and tie every day and carry a briefcase, some will dress stereotypically with worn out jeans, band t shirts of various bands they like, and grown out hair/beards. As for ideology, metalheads are normally diverse in their ideologies, although it is common to see one that's has a more apathetic ideology.

Can you believe that guy is a metalhead? (points to a man that's well kept and well dressed, wearing a suit and a tie and his hair combed back, probably wearing aviators)
Whoa, he's a metalhead? Figured he'd be another one of those jocky tools with no souls!
No he just works in business and has to dress like that, you should see him on the weekends!

by UM North Quad August 6, 2011

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A metalhead is a human male OR female who listens to (heavy) metal music. Metalheads are not characterized by the way they look; rather, they are characterized by the music they listen to. Most metalheads enjoy attending metal concerts and participating in activities such as moshing, headbanging, crowd surfing, etc. during these shows.

Metalheads tend to dislike or despise mainstream music because it usually defies what they stand for. They also tend to dislike people who are closed-minded, stereotypes, and especially the belief that metalheads are drunk, high, or Satanists. They often enjoy metal because of its unadhering, free, wild, I-don't-give-a-fuck lyrics and sound.

Metalheads also tend to listen to not ALL kinds of metal, but certain subgenres. They may also bash other subgenres of metal that they dislike or see as β€œrivals”. There are many different subgenres of metal.

A stereotypical metalhead will often wear boots, denim, band shirts, long hair, leather, band patches, and generally ratty clothing. Metalheads can also dress glamorously. Many metalheads are difficult to pick out from the general population because they look very similar or look the same as other humans.

Metalheads are not:
- Emos
- Goths
- Rivetheads (though they may be considered to be similar)
- Satanists (USUALLY)
- Stupid (USUALLY)
- Addicted to drugs (USUALLY)
- Alcoholics (USUALLY)

The following examples are all fictional.

Aleksi (m): 24-year-old Finnish university student with an interest in the occult. Listens to bands such as Epica, Kamelot, After Forever, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Nightwish, etc.

Catrina (f): 16-year-old high school student who watches Metalocalypse and is a dedicated listener to all kinds of metal, especially death metal and thrash metal. Listens to Cannibal Corpse, Death, Anthrax, Morbid Angel, Obituary, Possessed, and Children of Bodom.

Lucifer (m): 19-year-old Norwegian black metal musician and high school dropout who is part of a metal band and regularly attends black metal shows. Listens to Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor, Darkthrone, and Dimmu Borgir.

Nina (f): poser attempting to capitalize on the metalhead image. Only listens to nu-metal bands such as Linkin Park, System of a Down, Korn, and Slipknot. Calls herself a metalhead when she's actually not.

by TheLaihoist June 10, 2010

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž