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middle school

the awkward in-between stage of your life when it feels like everything is falling apart but your only worries are that crush you have on the best friend of the girl who has a crush on you and it feels like love
the building you're stuck in for like 8 hours a day without choice

middle school ain't nothing son

by rofl my waffle January 7, 2017

middle school

the living hell that people ages 11-14 go through. the cliques are all gay. if you don't like whatever the mainstream station plays, you're weird. one small screwup will fuck you up for the rest of the year. gym is a class where the jocks get a chance to beat on everyone else and call it dodgeball. if you want to be different you'll be a loser or a nerd. if you try to be a prep, you're a poser or a loser or nerd. all the girls watch mtv and talk about it like its the shit. you get cut down on every accident you make. it sucks. try to pass the first time around. take up a sport or play an instrument, it'll help you take your mind off all the shit. drama happens all the time. girls are sluts, guys are dicks and pervs. most days you'll want to cry when you get home. it sucks.

kid in 5th grade: sweet, middle school.
kid in seventh grade: middle school sucks.

prep girl one: did you guys see the hills last night?
prep girl two: omg yes! i love that show!

normal person: fags.

by rhcpforlive June 22, 2009

63๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

1) A place that makes you want to have a labotomy. Girls in middle school talk all the time about their boyfriend of 1 week and claim to be "in love" with them. Little do these girls know that the boy just wants booty. Also, girls will make fun of other girls that aren't "developed" (i.e having a butt or a big chest). The teachers are complete vulcan idiots that punish a kid for writing on the desk which was a result of the teachers boring lesson plan. They give ridiculous amounts of homework on shit. Homework is as good as toilet paper. Everybody talks shit about you. You'd be lucky to have a few true friends. Also, you'll encounter a few dingleberries that try to turn you into something you're not. The popular kids are assholes. If you're not into MTV or the latest rap music you're considered a freak of nature. Anybody that has been through middle school will tell you it's an equivalence to a nazi death camp. No matter what you do, it's torture. Anybody that makes it to the last day of middle school will be happy to leave that shit hole for life!

Middle school is nothing but a steaming pile of bullshit for kids 11-14.

Good luck kids!

by LifestyleSpirit March 13, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

a place you cant wait to go to
but when you get there you wish you could just fuck it all and go somewhere else.
For grades 6-8 or 7-8
supposed to prepare you for high school
but doesnt.
you prettty much spend all day talking, unless you have the shitty teachers that actually make you work
filled with skanky little girls
and horny little boys.
people actually expect to have fun in middle school, but if you are mature at all, you hate it with a passion.
this is the time where everyone thinks they know it all and are sooo mature, when they are really less mature than they were in elementary school.
Drugs are often tried, mostly pot.
The main groups at my middle school were....

Preps: The hollister hoes who think theyre better than everyone else and are rich and talk about the brand of clothes theyre wearing and how much money their parents have.

Emo: the group of kids that used to be labeled goth, but cut themselves.

Scene: The half prep half emo kids, almost ALWAYS myspace whores. Wear bright colors and funky hair trying to be "different" when really they are just the same as every scene kid.

Stoners: Often haters of preps, do drugs, mostly pot...quite often. Skaters most times, and guys mostly too. The scene girls often date them ,and in turn become stoners.

theres more but labels can fuck themselves so whatever haha
at my school theres pioneer day
a day souly for the guys enjoyment.
The girls dress up as slutty ass saloon girls with their boobs hanging out and legs showing
Guys dress as cowboys...and indians and often check out the sluts walking by.

as you can see middle school is weird.
it sucks
dont go there if you dont have to
if youve been and actually enjoyed that shit, your messed up :)

uffda:Hey kimmy, your about to go into middle school are you excited?
kimmy: OHH YESS, its gonna be totally amazing, were gonna be teenagers :)))
now kimmy is in 8th grade
Beffle: so kimmy, how do you like being in middle school?
kimmy: it sucks, the people are rude and concieted, the teachers are old and fucking mean, drama is everywhere, the guys are too scared to do anything when they like you, and life pretty much sucks.
Beffle: sounds like middle school to me, dont worry high school will be better :)

by kellylizzz.=p. May 5, 2008

207๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

Worst 2/3/4 years of one's life.Almost all the 7th graders have already lost their virginity,and the ones who didn't are being made fun of.It's a huge hellhole where all your friends leave you for the popular kids,and you find yourself standing alone in a corner with chewing gum in your hair.
A typical 7th/8th grade middle school girl has already had at least 4 boyfriends,whom she claimed to be in love with.They all think they are mature and that they know everything about love and life.Boy,they are so wrong.The popular girls deal with ridiculous drama everyday.They always get into fights over boys.They kill you if they see you wearing the same skirt they wore two days ago,even though all of them wear the exact same style of clothing.Speaking of clothing,a middle school girl is often seen wearing VERY short skirts,slutty tops,stuffed bras and high heels.
2)The BOYS
From the innocent little boys who used to play with cars and dinosaurs,they now play with girls' boobs,smack girls on the ass,smoke crack,dress all 'gangsta' and 3/4 of their vocabulary consists of the terms 'a**,f***,sh**,n*gga'
Ooh,the teachers.In seventh grade,when puberty hits hard and all the drama begins,and so you don't have any more time to study,they get really mad at you for not getting the same results you got in 5th and 6th grade.

Elementary school kid:Yay!I'm going to middle school next year!I can't wait!I'll be all grown up and stuff!
Middle schooler:Riiiiiight.Try and tell me the same thing when you'll be my age
High schooler:Wait 'till you get to high school.

by Ayaan March 17, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

A wicked gay place that makes no sense. For one thing a person will like the same music as a popular person and be called a poser, but when you don't like the same stuff as popular people, your called a geek/nerd/loser wtf is up with that? also it has these gay-ass teachers that wish they were our age again so they keep us after for 7 hours for breathing.

middle school sucks balls

by DizzyLizzy November 30, 2006

359๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

A large Building that is full of fake kids from the ages 12-14. Depending on the area (more wealthy/less wealthy) i happen to live in a more wealthy area and compared to what most other people wrote it is much different. instead of everyone that cuts them selves and is dapressed, it is a place where every girl is fake and wears abercrombie/hollister/juicy and puts a smile on there face when there around anyone or just in school, but really when they are alone they are crying and hate them selves, and cutt them selves, and are all balimic. Because most shirts from abercrombie/hollister/juicy are short sleeved/more revealing girls must cutt them selves not on the wrists but normally on the inner thighs or inner upper arms; basiclly places unseen even when naked. in 6th and 7th grade we all get up at 3/4 in the morning to straiten our hair and put on pounds of make up, by 8th grade we dont really give a shit any more and everyone has curly hair again, like they did in elementry school except not as frizzy because we syrup it down with billions of products. sometimes there are the very salect few that wear big sweatshirts everyday, but no one really talks to them. in 6th grade you try really hard in school work, in 7th you try harder in the begining, but begin to blow it off by the end of winter. then in 8th grade absolutely no one gives to fucks the entire year. mainly seventh grade is when drugs come in to place, and 8th grade is when sex comes into place, in 6th grade you kind of just listen to what happens to the people in 7th and 8th grade, there are also middle school dances which i perssonally never go to, but people who do ither make out the entire time, or talk about how much it sucks. uggs play a big role all 3 years of middle school life, and are a crucial thing to have more then one of. in high school no ones gives a shit and your more indapendant and hopefully stop caring about things like abercrombie/hollister/juicy/uggs or hair or makeup, and you just do your own thing. guys in middle school are perverts, jack off all the time, talk about porn, and girls they wanna do. so thats middle, well atleast my middle school in a nut shell. basiclly high school is hell and middle school something even worse then hell which is only middle school

average conversation in a middle school environment;
Katie: eww i hurd andrea started cutting her self
Cloe: eeewww wtf thats soo emo lets make sure no one talks to her
*they both actually cut them selves too*

by ktbusto May 28, 2009

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