An insult used by someone normally obsessed with bangers, insinuating you are gay. Often combined with arse bandit or uphill fudgepacker.
Fuck off you fucking raving mincer!
A homophobic slur used by 40 year old men obsessed with bangers
Fuck off you fucking raving mincer!!
Female that gets gay men extremely drunk in order to have sex with them.
That bird Kath is a right female mincer, she only went and screwed her gay bff last night.
The hot guy who loves to watch little boys do fun stuff, for example he likes to watch children masturbateeeee
"that dude is looking at my child, he must be a meat mincer."
A person showing signs of sun normal human ability and intelligence ,especially with impaired walking.
That Wayne Rooney is a great spong mincer!
Its mince with an r at the end. Simples
Meerkat off-screen - *squeak*
Some dude - Hey did you have Mincer yesterday?
Tom - Do you mean mince?
Some dude - Mince, Mincer same thing
Tom - Its really not
Some dude - *Hits Tom around the head with a baseball bat* Don't you talk about Mincer with that tone of sight