A computer System that can be found on Macintosh, Dell, and Gateways. The current Browser that I use to type this Definition. Not any better than Internet Explorer, because this Browser, too can have advance. Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer all have their complexities in advance, and disadvance in their techniques. Mozilla I have to say is my favorite, but I have no hatred on all the rest.
You can get Mozilla Firefox, and you can get Internet Explorer, it doesn't matter...
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(Used as a verb): To fire an employee or otherwise force them out of a company because of their personal opinion on a given issue or because of their political or religious perspectives, as Brendan Eich was forced to resign from Mozilla in 2014 because he donated $1,000 to California's Proposition 8 in 2008. Notably, the position Eich holds is the same position that President Obama--widely adored by gay Americans--held at the time Mr. Eich made his donation.
Example 1:
Friend 1: I'm not comfortable supporting "x" cause. It's against my belief system.
Friend 2: Just don't let anyone at work find out what you believe--you might get Mozilla-ed!
Example 2:
Person 1: Did you hear what just happened to Brendan Eich?
Person 2: Yep. If you don't adhere to PC dogma, your company might Mozilla you!
Person 1: How is that free speech?
Person 2: It's not.
Another word for "revolver" or "gun"