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Eva Muir

Short but sweet.

Eva Muir is so small but so cuddly so lucky to have her sweet smile around

by achoo256 July 11, 2022

Scott Muir

A man who hurts women consistently, beats them, impregnates them and jumps to the next girl he can get use out of. Will never pay off a debt owed to a single soul, or provide for the children he makes. Unstable. Mentally I'll. Chases highs, typically coke. Lies pathologically

Man that's a muir move.

Yeah he was with a girl for 2 years. Then he pulled a Scott Muir.

by D.h. June 11, 2020

Cooper Muir

cooper is a pooper

wow that guy stinks like a pooper! i think his name is cooper muir

by klem bummy October 23, 2022


an amazing dumpling that has many (5) friends. he is smart and funny (and also tasty)

i live that chicken flavoured muir!!

by annonymous murr November 28, 2017

Kerr muir

The gayest human being alive, hes pretty immature at most points and isnt really funny

God bro, stop being a kerr muir

by Kerr is gay October 28, 2019

Brody Muir

Someone who wants their cruiseship to sink

Brody is a Brody Muir

by MrKrabsNeHNc August 6, 2022


The best ever so funny the kindest soul ever. So forgiving even when you think your friendship is over age just laughs and everything is better good looking. The Best

I’d love if every girl was like a Muire

by Akmene13 December 12, 2017