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native american

The Solutrean people who The Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History has proven came to north america 5000 years before american Indians came from northeast Asia over the Bering land bridge

Archaeologists tracing the earliest to later sites in the Americas find that they tend to be older in south America and on the East coast of the USA. This trend is exactly opposite one would predict if the Indians were first over the Bering Strait.

Language links or similarities for many words exist between ancient Europeans and ancient Stone Age Americans. These links appear to point to the Basque people of the France/ Spain region of Europe, and the North Eastern part of North America. This overlaps almost perfectly with multiple lines of genetic evidence (Haplogroup-X and Human Lymphocyte Antigens) which also shows ancient links between Europe and the Northeastern USA. Links between these ancient languages suggests an obvious prior European migration.

The idea that Caucasian or European peoples could have migrated to and inhabited the Americas in ancient times is really not a new idea. As far back as the late 1700’s it was speculated upon. Since then people have noted physical similarity between some Indian tribes and Europeans, similarities between spearpoints, tool kits, and other artifacts. In many ways this is an open secret in the archaeological community, but has been suppressed to the general public, by the mass media.

The the Head of the Division of Archaeology at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Dr. Dennis Stanford, Ph.D. has shown that all Archaeological and scientific evidence points to the Solutrean peoples of Europe as being the True First Nation of North America, and therefore the real Native Americans

by Iberian connection September 24, 2011

25πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

The Native American

When a man sits indian style getting head and smoking weed

I got The Native American From your mom last night.

by Chazz Greinhold May 16, 2007

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Native Americans

A group of foreigners who got here first.

Those damn Native Americans trying to steal my land with all this "We were first" nonsense!

by Mr. Grey May 5, 2005

67πŸ‘ 167πŸ‘Ž

Native American

The 'original' Americans.

White man stole their land so they took their scalps and built casinos.

The Native American enjoys white-man-scalping, long walks on the beach followed by black jack.

by jazz4 April 26, 2011

26πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Native American

I’m not going to write a definition I’m just going to say that anybody that knows a Native American is lucky and you pieces of shit who wrote racist things under this are Disgusting and you wouldn’t of lasted a second back in the day because they would’ve Scalped your ass

Native Americans have been taken for granted it’s only because their nice that they decided to let anybody fucking live Oh yeah let’s not forget you piece of shit and oh yeah then you brought guns and just fucking blew everybody away Instead of fighting like real man

by Nicolefu May 7, 2020

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

native american

1. A descendant of one of the tribes who lived in America before the Europeans arrived. It considered politically incorrect to call Native Americans "Indians," partly because when Christopher Columbus forgot his ADD medication and somehow thought America was India, he was wrong; and partly because it is considered offensive to real Indians to call Native Americans "Indians."

2. An Irishman who sailed to Japan, lived on soybeans until his thyroid was ruined, sailed back to Ireland, got kicked out for having a horrible voice, sailed back to Japan, got kicked out for having horrible math skills, then noticed the giant continents of North and South America and decided to live on them and have children with Eskimos and/or Mexicans.

3. A highly ghetto group of people living on reservations. They know every button combination in street fighter, every playing stat of their favorite basketball heroes, and a bunch of life's rules, such as "bros before hoes."

1. Christopher Columbus once sailed west from Portugal, hoping to find India and all its beautiful women. Instead, he found a bunch of Native American kids hanging around a basketball court, playing gameboys and drinking soda. "I'm going to pretend this never happened," he told himself, and sailed back to Portugal to tell his Portuguese friends that he had been to India.

2. WHITE KID: That Native American storyteller sounds like he has a hole in his throat.

OTHER WHITE KID: That's because he's Asian. Duh.

WHITE KID: Oh. Wait, so why is that one other Native American kid at the same level in math as me?

OTHER WHITE KID: Because he's Irish. Duh.

by Bertoffski January 3, 2008

30πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

Native American

Native Americans are Loyal, Trustworthy, as well with being really nice people to one another. They do not like to cause any harm whatsoever.

A lot of people with Native American in them are the same way they do not like to judge, they are Loyal, Trustworthy, and always being honest.

There is no way of putting it, it's just the truth. Native American

by Mxdzss January 22, 2021

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