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Niggas aint shit

A nigga aint shit , they will talk to everybody or fuck everybody & their mother & never catch feelings but will leave you crying

Why do you always say niggas aint shit kyla?
Because he broke my heart & talked to my friend

by Bigbootykayyyy October 3, 2018

73πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Niggas Ain’t Shit

Niggas Ain’t Shit. They aren’t worthy of your time queen. Keep your head up.

Niggas ain’t shit . Broke ass mf . Leave him for a rich white man .

by imtooprettyforyou July 17, 2020

40πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

shit nigga

When something happens unexpectedly and you believe that saying this will help cope with the situation.

Mother: 'Jimmy, come up from the basement for supper.'

Jimmy: 'Okay, mother!'

Mother: 'I've invited your high school sweetheart Big Betty too. She says she misses you a lot.'

Jimmy: 'Shit nigga.'

by RocEgg123 March 1, 2013

152πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Niggas ain’t shit

Austin Chaney

Austin Chaney is the real definition of niggas ain’t shit.

by BCaintshit July 10, 2018

17πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

niggas aint shit

Meaning someone(s) are a pussy and won't do anything

Did you hear about the fine brothers trying to copyright reactions?

Yeah, them Niggas aint shit

by 69SwagMaster69 February 8, 2016

17πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Shit Nigga

a term used by white australians for unhygeinic aboriginals, they are gifted with a variety of magical abilites such as stealing bikes and "shitting in the bed"

"Yo oh man nigga last night i was in bed and i tried to fart and shit went everywhere!"

"Oh AARON your such a shit nigga"

by Rambo 93 March 20, 2009

56πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

ahh shit nigga

A term you say to your homie when something bad has becometh him.

Guy 1: "Ayy bruh you smash jessica?"
Guy 2: "Nah dude she friendzoned me."
Guy 1: " Ahh shit nigga."

by Da c0nman April 22, 2017

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž