Norging vil si at man aldri når opp til forventningene, og realiteten er at man ikke god nok ut ifra ambisjonene. Det beste eksempelet på "norging" er det norske herrelandslaget i fotball.
The country that stole all oil from the great country of Denmark. Norge should demolished and every women should become danish sex slaves and the men can live in Sweden as punishment. Children will get murdered.. We dont need anymore growing up with such a horrible accent.
"Look at that sex slave"
"She must be from the former country called Norge"
A person that is your friend, slang for the n word but not.
"What's up Norge!" "YOUR A NORGE" "James is my norgee"
the truest statement you can say
'norge talar dålig svenska'
'norway speaks bad swedish'
Its a common norwegian slang used to refer to the sunny town of Jessheim, Norway.
Jessheim is a Norwegian paradise known for its celebrities and landscape. You can see famous people such as Solveig Kloppen, Else Kåss Furuseth, and the world-famous rapper Diaz. The landscape of Jessheim is mostly known for its beautiful fjords such as Nordbytjernet and its incredible urban architecture such as "The Strip/The Big Street" and Jessheim's Big Shopping Centre.
Hey, wanna go to norges svar på Beverly Hills?
Oh, you mean Jessheim? I cant wait to see Else Kåss Furuseth and get drunk on The Big Street!
Lets go!