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snake it down one's leg

When a man wearing shorts urinates by sliding (or snaking) his penis down one leg of the shorts rather than pulling them down or unzipping the fly.

Man, I was just too damn lazy, so I snaked it down my leg in the bathroom.
There aren't many contexts in which snake it down one's leg can be used.

by PeaceLover November 6, 2005

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One Legged Phone Balance

When you finish busting a nut, and you have to reach behind you for tissues, and you have to balance your phone on your legs.

Person One: How much skill do you have

Person Two: I pulled a One Legged Phone Balance after busting a nut

Person One: Impressive

by Old Douchebag July 12, 2018

One legged Russian vacuum

A sex position where after ejactualtion the man holds the women's leg up above his shoulder and inserts his member while the girl is forced to like the semen off the ground.

The Rock totally one legged Russian vacuumed Summer Rae

by Poopballz42069 January 26, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

some one-legged hobo

Everyone's scapegoat.

"Mr. Hearst, how could you?!"
"I didn't shoot him. It was some one-legged hobo."

by Anonymous October 18, 2003

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one legged angry pirate

When youa are having sex and you spit on her back, so she rolls over. Then you cum in her eye and then kick her in the shin so she will be chasing you like a one legged angry pirate

โ€œCum in me mac daddy,โ€ She says.?Then he proceeds to use the one legged angry pirate

by abc-0032 December 26, 2017

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one eyed, one legged pirate

When you are having sex with a girl doggy style, spit on her back, then when she turns around you blow your load in one eye, and kick her in the shin and let her hop around on one leg, holding her eye.

Person 1-"Oh man Sarah's angry at me."
Person 2-"Why's that?"
Person 1-"Ah i did a one eyed, one legged pirate to her, it was funny though, watching her hop around like that!"

by JewSlap March 7, 2016

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one eyed, one legged pirate

When you are having sex with a girl doggy style, spit on her back, then when she turns around you blow your load in one eye, and kick her in the shin and let her hop around on one leg, holding her eye.

Person 1-"Oh man Sarah's angry at me."
Person 2-"Why's that?"
Person 1-"Ah i did a one eyed, one legged pirate to her, it was funny though, watching her hop around like that!"

by JewSlap March 7, 2016

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