Danish slang Word for: Penis cheese.
Da jeg trak mine bukser ned var der tonsvis af nakke ost på Jens Ole. Det lugtede af ht.
Music that feels like the whole world falling apart.
Temptation Stairway feels like you're falling apart, god race (Temptation Stairway OST) sounds like the whole world is falling apart.
One of the best songs out there, better than any Kpop song, it never gets old, it is such a bop
Boom Slingers Theme Song OST God Tier
1. Original Soundtrack
2. Cheese in Swedish
1. The OST for Doom Eternal fucking slaps.
2. Det här ost är skit gott! (This cheese is damn good!)
A loser with no friends and eats waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much cheese
That ost at the party the other day was soooooo annoying
Friend: Hey what are you watching?
Friend: So childish.