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Nitrous Oxide

the beautiful element which is used in cars to give them a extra boost of power to overcome the the slowness of their vehicles but also a gas which causes you to get a sudden urge to laugh.

I was racing against a mustang when he suddenly passed me so i whip out my nitrous oxizzle and blew him away haha!

by anonymous101 December 31, 2004

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gently oxidize

Originally a chemistry term for a chemical change, it has been misconstrued to now mean anything.

Father (looking at son's destroyed treehouse): well son, you completely gently oxidized that up.

Son: Gently Oxidize you dad!

by mattimeo310 April 1, 2009

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Nitrous Oxide

Low Browed Neanderthal Type from East Jersey. Is frequently seen with Cheez-it stains around his mouth and sweat stains on the crotch of his sweatpants.

Approach with caution.
The Jersey Nitro often lives with his mother, Breastfeeding until the age of 24.

Is often seen Modding HALO

by Jersey Man-whore February 26, 2005

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manganese oxide

A black-dark brown chemical compound with the Formeula MnO2. It is an oxidizer and when combined with H2O2 will create H2O

There is manganese oxide in some Alkiline battery's.

by Chemical Dude February 21, 2017

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cG OxiDe

Another term for being dyslexic or mentally challenged.

Boy 1: Is that kid stupid?
Boy 2: I think he's retarded.
Boy 3: No, he's just cG OxiDe

by itzalaggy September 2, 2008

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oxidized brass instrument

When a male gets his anus tongued from behind while simultaneously having his meat yanked. The first oxidized brass instrument originated in Florence, Italy between Ms. Lisa and Mr. da Vinci. Historians believe the frown on Mona Lisa is a result of the oxidation from the direct contact of Leonardo da Vinciโ€™s butthole with her lips. Also see Rusty Trombone

Susan took her son to the antique shop and gave him an oxidized brass instrument.

by TukeyComparison April 4, 2019

Ferrous Oxide's Day Off

A tongue-in-cheek name for rust removal duty (ferrous oxide being the precursor to rust on steel objects), especially on Navy ships, playing on the vivid contrast between the tedious and highly unpleasant nature of the duty, involving the use of wire brushes and toxic chemicals often under a blazing sun, compared to the delightful, carefree leisure tableau depicted by the three teen protagonists of the 1986 Matthew Broderick film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

Chief Petty Officer: It's your lucky day, sailor -- two weeks of Ferrous Oxide's Day Off starting at eight bells.

Sailor: Aye-aye, Chief.

Chief Petty Officer: And don't ask my daughter out again.

by FitofPeak2 September 28, 2023