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an abbreviation for the rich kid school, Oxbridge Academy in florida

are you coming to oxy next year!
i would but my family would be living on the streets

by user021505 March 30, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

oxy cotton

another name for oxycontin, made popular by the song "oxy cotton" by lil wyte that talks about abusing the drug.
Synthetic opiate ; painkiller. Obtained by prescription. Prescribed for moderate to severe chronic pain. Sold by people who tell their doctor they need it, but rather have $5000 for a bottle of 100 pills. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, like you're wrapped in the warmest blanket and safe. Yet when your off it, you get withdrawal and anxiety to the world, because you have been numb/high/ for so long. Most people say they see everything "clearer" when they become sober.

10, 20, 40, 80 mg's. The 160's were pulled from the market.

oxy cotton had me fucked up all night!

by tyrone williamsz November 21, 2006

274๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oxy clean

The commercialized clothing stain getter-outer. Originally only available through television orders. Also the originator of the "screamo" commercial, where the advertiser feels the need to scream whatever they are saying. They seem to think that projecting their voice so that the neighbors can hear the commercial sells their products. However, studies have proven otherwise. Because that dude on the commercial is notorious for being a fucktard.

"OXY CLEAN GETS STAINS OUT LIKE THAT!(snaps fingers) WINE, COFFEE, PASTA SAUCE, YOU NAME IT, OXYCLEAN DOES THE JOB! (proceeds to spill all of these ingredients on a white sheet, dips in oxy clean solution and it comes out sort of clean) GET OXY CLEAN!" (gives you a moronic thumbs up)

by tip.the.cow October 3, 2006

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oxy moron

two words that contradict each other

perfect reject, pretty ugly

by Gena April 23, 2003

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Oxy Whore

A girl who will do anything sexual for oxycotin. Usually addicted and broke, most of these girls bang the drug. There mostly from the suburbs because oxycotin is a more "socially accepted" form of herion.

Boy- " ey girl i just got some of them instant release 30's, you good?"

Girl- "Shit i dont have any money, ill get u back, please just let me get some?"

Boy- " i think we can work somthin out"
.. this bitch is an oxy whore, she'll suck me up for sure

by 816CUPCAK3 October 3, 2010

37๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

oxy love

The feelings of peace and love that a person gets when snorting or eating oxycodone.

After snorting an OC20, I had mad oxy love for that stankass bitch!

by Chico B July 2, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

gifted oxy

A call of duty sniper. He aright

You know how to feed on call of duty? Yeah like gifted oxy

by ExciteGetLaced June 25, 2015