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dropping packets

Losing information or not being able to keep up in a conversation.

Loss of focus.

Loss of data.

Carry-over from computer networking.

Can you repeat that again, I'm dropping packets here.

Man, way too tired here, dropping packets, what was that about my taxes being overdue?

by s6 July 5, 2005

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sugar packet

used to stabilize short legs on a table.

Here you go joe, put this sugar packet under the leg of this rickity table.

by Logan Boyles October 15, 2007

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packet knees

When you have had to much packet and your legs stop working

Pass me my drink i cant move my legs ive got packet knees

by Lewdoo December 4, 2016

Packet Rat

A total Bad-Ass. The word is originally a nautical term for tough Irish men who sailed the north Atlantic. They were the best drinkers and singers. Not interested in anything fancy, they were talented sailors, and hardcore dudes.

In modern use, a Packet Rat doesn't need to have a direct connection to the sea, or a connection to Ireland, they would just be an immensely hardcore fellow.

A: That guy's a hardcore sunnuvuhbitch...
B: A Packet Rat, through and through.

by wizzoh March 30, 2009

sex packet

Biochemically compacted sexual affection, sex in a pill, comes wrapped in paper. You can get three for $10.99. Digital Underground refers to these pills in their song "Sex Packets"

Sex packets, a dollar or two

by desplagues July 25, 2006

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packet head

Packet head is an individual who always gets on cocaine.

you know that Sam Townsend, he's a right packet head

by Izbomb January 15, 2019

Packet Client

shitty Minecraft Windows 10 Client

verb: You turn gay if you use packet client

Noun: shit mc client

Man 1: bro, do you use packet client?

boy 1: yes! its the best client in the world!

Man 1: kill yourself autist

by PacketClient April 9, 2022