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Paid For Whore

A slut or drunk girl that you bought things(dinner,jewlery) for in order to have sex with her.

Dude that paid for whore was a waste of money

by Bones Baby November 4, 2009

paid dump

When you take a shit while on the clock at work i.e. getting paid to take a shit.

I had my morning coffee and then rushed to work for my favorite part of the day, paid dump.

by ty puckett February 25, 2008

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I paid for it!

the ultimate antithesis of brotherhood and caring.

what true men do.

describing any person that got the short end of any situation.

Listen hear fu**er, I PAID FOR IT!!!

by Cpt.Falcon August 11, 2010

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get paid

An urban neologism referring to obtaining cash through other than commonly respectable means; such as by pawning items, selling stolen items, or illegal activity. Generally not in reference to gainful employment.

Punko 1: Yo, i jacked this car stero from a Hundai last night.

Punko 2: Straigt up! Watcha gon do wit it?

Punko 1: Watcha think? I'm gonna to pawn it and get paid.

by jay October 9, 2004

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Paid in Full

Classic Eric B and Rakim song, from their 1986 debut album of the same name. Includes the legendary Paid in Full, Move the Crowd, and My Melody.

Thinkin' of a master plan, cause ain't nothin but sweat inside my hand, so I dig into my pocket all my money is spent so I dig deeper, but still comin' up with lint, so I start my mission leave my residence, thinkin' how could i get some dead presidents

by oldschool April 1, 2004

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Paid a Grip

When asked how much you paid for something "I Paid a Grip" generally means you paid a large amount of money. A grip, as in your grip on a stack of money. Usually assumed to be around $1000 - $75000 or more. But this term can be used in any scenario where you've been flossin' and spending cash. "Paid a Grip" is popularized by the rapper Papoose in his song title Paid a Grip.

N1"How much you spend on your girl at the mall?"
N2"Paid a Grip."
N1"How much your new Mazarati cost?
N2"Paid a Grip."
N1"Yeo how much you spend on this?"
N2"Paid a Grip."

by JoEbUdDeN November 11, 2009

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paid programming

A show late at night or early in the morning that is on about 1,000,000 channels to cheap to buy late programming showing products costing from $2,000 to <Insert Bill Gates Networth here> that YOUR TAXES put on.

<On Tv>
And you can buy the "Busted Garden Tool" for only 10 payments of 299.99! Call in the next 10 minutes and receive a FREE broken shovel!

<Real life>
I hate paid programming

by SanjiSasuke May 9, 2008

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