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park it

To thrust the penis between a women's preferably large breasts and ejaculate on her chest and/or face.

I like to park it with big bosoms.

by carlathebeautiful April 23, 2013

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


n. Where, at night (or during the day when kids aren't around) people, usually teenagers, go to smoke weed and/or drink.

v. To go to a park and ingest marijuana and/or alcohol.

Hey, want to go get high in that park?

Hey, want to park tonight?

by BehindtheL October 20, 2010

44πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

The Park

Also meaning Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Hundreds hang out, buy/smoke pot, drink and sleep there. All the inhabitants commonly just refer to it as 'the Park'

Hey Dude, I've got 3 40's so Ill meet you at our camp back in THE PARK.

by loodog the great dog July 1, 2009

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

parking it

To hold a blunt or joint for longer than the typically allotted time. This is usually a result from being really high and not realizing that you should have passed the blunt a while ago.

"Dude you're parking it. How long are you going to sit there with that thing?"

"You've been parking it for a while. It's almost burned down"

by sexycheese July 6, 2009

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

park it

In golf, to make a great shot, inches from the hole.

Golfer #1 "Okay, partner, let me see you park it."
Golfer#2 "Hell, I'm just gonna make it."

by UCSteve November 27, 2016


A space to park your car. Shortened version of parking spot. Invented by Kyla Reynolds. Don’t bully her about a β€œpark”. Chandler Smith is wrong.

Oh look an open park! My car isn’t all the way in the park!

by kylaisbomb September 21, 2019


A very extremely talented man. Very athletic and very successful. Very tall and sexy attractive man with an absolute wrench. Rumor has it he keeps tape with him everywhere he goes.

Parks went to the store.

by That boi go crazy123 August 2, 2020