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Fl man pepper spray

This occurs when you become contaminated with bear spray and you come home to have sex with your partner. within 5 min of fucking, you both sweat and reactivate the chemical agent. Now you and you partner's genitals are burning like hellfire due to the lack of patience of waiting for the agent to wash off.

"yea I fucked up trying to run from dog the bounty hunter.now my gf not talking to me because I gave her the fl man pepper spray.

by PABLO.ESC0 October 16, 2022

Pepper spray

For the police service canines seasonings as illegal endagerment

I don't want the police to misuse their mace on me their pepper spray in the eyes sucks

by Cody5050 January 26, 2022

Mongkok Pepper Spray

When a man has eaten a large quantity of Hong Kong Chili Crab, and - afterwards - after receiving head from a girl and ejaculating into her mouth with spicy semen that is seemingly too spicy for the girl to swallow, causes her to purposefully and hatefully spit the spicy cum, as retaliation, into both his left and right eye damaging his corneas permanently causing blindness.

“Bro, what’s with the eye patches?” “Last night Janice Mongkok Pepper Sprayed me and I just got out of the hospital. It burns, bro bro.” “I told you not to eat Chili Crab on your first date, bro!”

by Mongcock July 13, 2019

Hood Pepper Spray

A ketchup squirt bottle mostly filled with hot sauce, then squirted into someone's eyes.

Ahhh! He hit me with hood pepper spray!

by Edward Sugarfoot July 28, 2019