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Something I literally couldn't live without.

Mom: ur grounded for a month
Mom: I'm taking ur phone
Me: NOoooooooooooooo

by MLB lover 2020 February 28, 2019

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A device used to entertain one person while completely destroying the mood of the situation in social situations

The party was great until Lisa pulled her phone out.

by Batmanmanman July 3, 2013

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A social phenomena occurring when a group of two or more people, who should be socializing, are all on their phones resulting in a momentary or prolonged silence.

I should be talking to my girlfriend over dinner, but instead she is instagramming on her iphone and i am defining "phoning" on urbandictionary.com. What a date. #phoning #2016

When the conversation slowed to a lull, we started phoning and pretended like we didn't know each other.

When I looked up from sending a text I realized all 7 of us were phoning and no one was talking.

"Look at that couple phoning over there. I wonder if they are sexting each other."

by machinegroup February 19, 2016

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What you are most likely reading this on you dingbat

My phone is dead let's hold a funeral

by Flash Celeritas February 20, 2020


An amazing device that allows you to call, text, play games, email/gmail (SAME THING), etc.

Person: Can i buy this phone?

ImmaPerson2: Sure

by LilyGamez (Idc about my user) July 28, 2019


Using the numbers on phones to decode curse words

Ex: 286 = cum

I'm gonna 2-8-6 all over your face! That's right, I'm gonna 2-8-6 all over your face!

by Mister D October 18, 2004

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A small personal device that people use WAY too much. They do many things and can communicate at anytime. People that have phones often spend way too much time on it and might even get addicted. Most people love their phone as if it's their baby.

Ya man I've been on my phone all night.

by humanthatiscrazy52 December 1, 2016

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