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Power phrase

(1.) A set of lyrics in music, particularly the rock and metal genres, that attempt to use emotionally charged and/or "intelligent" words and phrases to give the listener the illusion that they are listening to a meaningful song.

(2.) Lyrics in a song that primarily involve "intelligent" words written for the sole purpose of convincing the listener that the author, contrary to popular belief, is the Einstein of the particular song's subject matter.

(1.) The crowd was appalled when the vocalist screamed obvious power phrases, the worst being one song's chorus of "we raped the nation through subjugation."

(2.) The musician's ignorance concerning the inner workings of politics was hidden by his dictionary as he tossed in the power phrase "we don't need your hypocrisy, execute real democracy."

by Scientastic January 2, 2011

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phrase bitch

That person everybody knows who always tries to use the latest trendy phrases like "YOLO" or "Sup brah"

"God, Suzie is such a wannabe. Hashtag phrase bitch!"

by Mr. Taliman May 17, 2015

Phrase Stealer

A girl that bitches around and steals everybody's phrases.

Me: "Hello Coochie Sucker!"
Phrase Stealer: "Hello Coochie Sucker!"
Me in my mind:"What the FUCK"

by PerraGod June 29, 2019

loaded phrase

a seemingly innocent phrase or sentence that has a sexual double entendre

bob: do you like hard pretzels or soft pretzels better?
sarah: i like 'em hard
bob: i bet you do...

joe: i like the way the loaded phrases roll off your tongue
bob: your tongue must be very skilled...

by G.G. June 14, 2007

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catch phrase

Catch phrase is a game where you pass around a frisbee like object that gives you a word to describe to your team. You must get your team to say the word without saying it.

This game often gets heated and people start to yell and hate eat other, especially people on opposing teams.

Me and my friends all played catch phrase yesterday, and now we all hate each other.

by David Jamison April 6, 2008

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phrase ninja

one who knows or can bs their way in to makeing classic
phrases make scence. They have perfected it to an
art form

you should know i don't have to tell you how to put phrase ninja in a sentence!

by Amanda West September 27, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a cute little name-sometimes offensive, depending on the tone- for a catch-phrase that literally becomes a family maxim and/ior motto worthy of being included on the family's coat-of-arms.

a small boy comes to his dad and asks: " what this, i can't remember right now, your famous cherry-phrase in Latin, that you always use, when describing the origins of human ethnocentrism, xenophobia and racism?

father: The cherry-phrase you are referring to to is damno quod non intelligo. Now what I was going to add, Alex, is that you have goldfish memory . don't take offense, since this is an IMHO comment.

by Sexydimma May 3, 2012