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Pixar clouds

Clouds so perfectly shaped that you can think of nothing else other than the Pixar movies of your childhood.

What do you think about when you see these clouds?”
Toy Story, they are Pixar clouds.”

by Littlemiime May 13, 2024

Pixar Pedo

An ugly little man who has sexual needs towards children who watch Pixar movies. He can usually be found peering into their living room windows spying on them. However, there have not been any kidnappings reported. He tries to avoid any confrontation from adults.

Note: he usually wears glasses and his only diet intake is large bottles of Pepsi Max.

Mommy found him! He was looking for us when we were away on the school trip. The Pixar Pedo!

That dude sure is creepy

I shouted at the Pixar Pedo and he scurried off into the night, I’ve never seen that freak since

by Wellington101 November 17, 2018