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poa constrictor

This is a person who either consciously or unconsciously constricts the spiritual development of others due to treating others and oneself as a mere pile of atoms (see poa). This is a double pun as both a play on the phrase "boa constrictor" and the more subtle pun that such a snake inhibits breathing of the victim. Breath is known in Greek as "pneuma" and is synonymous with "spirit".

She showed herself to be a poa constrictor when she never offered any positive assessment to the fledgling spiritual questions asked by her children.

by Gregory V. Richardson July 19, 2004

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž



Where (|) represents the whole ass, ( represents a POA.

gigglygirl2323: OMG 11!!!1 WTF HA IS SO HOT!11! OMG LOL I WANT 2 HAEV HIS BABEIS AL TEH TIEM1!!1!1 LOL

gigglyfriend3333: he is. (

by justin February 26, 2004

3πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


The subject of a poem.

He was happy to be the poa of her poem.

by akabakab June 19, 2004

1πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


(POA)-PO-eh-tree- n. When you are not of poetic form or do not write poetry, but say deep and meaningful words, almost like a poem. Mostly refered to as Deep or, "that's deep" in meaning. Poas do not think of most poetry but daily say metaphoric phrases. Poa is a word most used on AIM do to the significant experience of opening up online than in society. It can be used as a word amongst a band of friends.

Most of my friends say I am deep, But really I am more of a Poa than anything. I speak like I am reading from a book of poetry.
"you are an extreme Poa."

by Traci B. November 1, 2006


Post orgasm abuse

I came but she just kept sucking bro, it was the best poa ever.

by FidgetSpinnerInMyAss December 24, 2020


harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban

β€œwhich harry potter is the one with the big purple bus?”

by cheifoon August 26, 2022


Puffed out anus

Look at my cats butt he's got a little bit of POA

by 20beanfarts December 29, 2017