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Serial Poster

A "Serial Poster" is typically a Facebook addict and a narcissist who compulsively will add a new post about their self every hour or less. This is for the purpose of validating their own importance to a dwindling audience who is increasingly censoring them as their enthusiasm fades away with each new self absorbed post. The Serial Poster also will have a core group 3-6 unconditional fans who will "Like" indiscriminately each post that is made regardless of it's pertinence or relevance to their own opinions.

Everyone is sick of your self absorbed posts, you have become a serial poster.

by Ben Morgasm June 23, 2014

Demotivational Posters

pictures easily found on the internet by googling "demotivational posters". The posters are composed of a picture (often funny looking, frightening, or disturbing) surrounded by a rather thick black border, and underneath the picture, in the border there is a title for the "poster" that has something to do with the picture, and underneath the title is some kind of phrase that goes into more detail than the title and makes sense of the picture in terms of what point the creator was trying to get across.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"I'm making Demotivational Posters! Here check one out"

"Oh dude that is so true! if you don't hit that jailbait, somebody else will!!"

by House J.R. March 17, 2010

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poster friends

1. Fake friends - act like they care, they don't.
You might have some stuff in common and talk them, but only because there is no one else to talk to. Once someone better comes along you'll leave your poster friends behind because after all, they weren't your friends to begin with.
2. Like a poster, you'll been seen with them in a picture but their not actually there for you when you need them.
3. Someone your seen with but they don't mean anything to you.

"I only eat lunch with my poster friends because I havn't found where I fit in yet."

by Lauren Y November 12, 2005

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Poster Child

A person who is an example of something.

Though Jerry was reckless, he somehow always prevailed due to dumb luck. When they say "Fortune favours the foolish", Jerry was the poster child.

by Zetastic May 31, 2005

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Frog Poster

Someone who posts pictures of Pepe the Frog on an image-board website.

Fuck off, frog poster.

by ;'./]-+\| October 1, 2020

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gimmick poster

A member of a forum or news group who takes on some personality in the form of something familiar or comical.

A gimmick poster typically will not reveal personal details about their selves or opinions unless it matches the persona they have created or are borrowing from.

Note: Most Gimmick Posters are multis. typically they are well known regular members of the forum or newsgroup.

You know that HomerSimpson is actually JohnDoe123 dont you? yeah, he's just another multi. JohnDoe123 is always makeing up new Gimmick Posters.

by Sykko June 8, 2007

over poster

Some one who takes up an entire page on a message board to get one point across. Will typically take up 15 minutes of your day with a useless post. The post usually pertains to how he is better than you at something, thus taking up an entire page to do so when he could write one sentence.

we are better than you.

Skip is a classic over poster, he has wasted hours of my time with those drawn out posts on the message board.

by avondale May 1, 2008