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Double potassium

A somewhat nerdy colloquialism for "okay." As potassium's atomic symbol is K, double potassium implies "KK" which is in itself a colloquial version of "okay."

Person 1: Hey, want to meet me at Starbucks around noon?
Person 2: Sure, that sounds good.
Person 1: Great! Oh, remember to bring your notes.
Person 2: Double potassium.

by Reginald Phalange September 19, 2013

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Double Potassium

Double Potassium is absolutely, 100%, incredibly gorgeous and amazing. She makes one of the best friends you'll ever have and she'll always be there for you; to use the word to describe someone, it'd be in the form of an inherent compliment to their beauty or likeness. Someone dubbed Double Potassium usually possesses the traits of: empathy, caring, awesomeness, beauty, and fun.

To know Double Potassium is to know heaven.

Boy 1: Oh, dude, you see double potassium over there?
Boy 2: Yeah, man, she's amazing.
Boy 1: I know, right?!

by DerMeistermann April 6, 2011

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Potassium Glizzy

Just like a weenie but in banana form.

Damn! did you see that man throat that potassium glizzy?

by Thicccnezz December 3, 2020

potassium hydroxide

Its like a chemical used...its found in science labs and all

Hey lets go to science laboratory and play with potassium hydroxide

by Aliensaregood April 28, 2022

potassium oxide

A cryptic term used by people to refer to any community which commits religious infant genital mutilation. The formula for Potassium Oxide is K2O, which when pronounced a little differently, sounds like the Hindi word 'Katuo', meaning 'the cut ones'. Now, where this cut is done is left for the reader's imagination.

Santa: What gift do you want for this Christmas?
Abdul: Definitely not condoms!
Santa: God save these Potassium Oxides!

by PotassiumOxidesKaBaap October 3, 2022

potassium penatraiter


I want a potassium penatraiter

by fuck who cares December 3, 2015

getting potassium

When a guy proceeds to give oral stimulation to his lady friend...hence licking the nana (banana)

I got some potassium last night

by Capt. Nick March 4, 2003

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