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prairie doggin

When a person has to take a dump REAL bad, it wants to come out, but you force it back in with your butt muscles. Like a prairie dog poking his head out of his hole and popping back in over and over.

kid....DAD!!! You gotta stop at a gas station! I'm prairie doggin back here
Dad...be quiet and sit on your moms purse or something!.

by crabbie patty August 30, 2011

41πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Prairie view

A school full of privelaged ass white bitches, pussy niggas, gay teachers, and a lesbian principle. There’s either super smart assholes or retarded ass annoying kids. All the white kids have a car and jangle their keys around on a big ass keychain at all times. The guys vape in the bathroom stall together, the girls fight eachother more than the guys, everyone who goes here is basically a fake ass bitch. All their sports teams suck ass (dancing is not a sport) if you go there, fucking switch schools ASAP

Guy#1: what school you from?

New guy#2: Prairie view man

Guy#1: damn, no wonder you looked gay

by SuckyFuckyWongtime February 11, 2018

Prairie Dogging

When one's feces repeatedly breaks the anus plane, touching air, and returning from whence it came. This is generally due to inconsiderate parents insisting, "We'll be leaving in five minutes" throughout the course of a two-hour trip to Lowes.

I was prairie dogging when i was watching 2girls1cup, but i was on the edge of my seat, so i stayed put.

by Not Z March 24, 2010

277πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

prairie nigger

Racial slur for a Native American

I lost $500 at that prairie nigger casino.

by neveroddoreven August 8, 2004

665πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž

Paris of the Prairies

Refers to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, a medium-sized city and arguably the high point when travelling between Edmonton and Winnipeg on the Yellowhead highway.

"Sundown in the Paris of the Prairies"
-Wheat Kings

by kking1922 November 6, 2009

47πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

prairie dogging

When you have to drop a load so bad, the head of the turd keeps poking out of your ass then slipping back in. Similar to how a prairie dog pops up and down in their hole, appearing and disappearing.

We have been driving for two hours. I am prairie dogging a deuce. If you don't stop it will explode out into my boxers.

by twistedknifeandfork August 25, 2008

551πŸ‘ 211πŸ‘Ž

prairie doggin

When u have a humongo turd ready to come out but are no where near a toilet. It pops out and goes back in, like a prairie dog coming out of its hole abd going back in.

AKA:Turtle Head Poking Out

" man i got to take a major shit" other guys says " oh prairie doggin are we" and then u both laugh

by Russ April 2, 2004

214πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž