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get out of punx

No, Robby, YOU get out of punx!

Seriously, OUT!

by tefkae June 1, 2004

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

get out of punx

forums who take our shit get out of punx

those who take out their agression on mild mannered punx get out of punx. makes me fuckin sick

by cutEspectacle June 17, 2004

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

get out of punx

this is the best ever.

Jen needs to get out of punx.

by Ready to Ruck June 14, 2004

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

get out of punx

Why don’t you BOTH get out of punx!!11

Seriously Scubasteve, get out of punx

by SBOR June 14, 2004

9πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

up da punx

when you do something to increase the punk rock team's credibility. we think.

"hey let's go commit acts of anarchy, like knocking over trash cans," suggested Punker Mike to his cronies.
"yeah, that would most definitely be up da punx -ing it all the way," the cronies replied in unison.

by Penelephant June 3, 2006

49πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

Punx Soup

The best band ever created. Still needs a little work but they will go far. No one has heard of them but you probably will in about 5 years. They are more of a project right now.

Punx Soup played at my school

by anna October 7, 2003

1πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Pyrate Punx

A group of 'punks' that fancy themselves above others, to spite their smoke screen outreach activities. In actuality this group blindly follows low hanging fruit dog whistles by whatever pretty pin cushion face that comes along, not caring to gather the full story before allowing themselves to be whipped up into a frenzy threatening direct violence against others (because acting responsibly in light of serious accusations, or taking a stance against people minimizing actual victims by misusing words leading to said actual victims to not be taken seriously is too hard for these brain dead douche nuggets). To these self described paragons of basic civil respect and self responsibility the wrongfully accused are equally as guilty as the actually guilty. They play their silly games, and wear pathetic patches to feel all growed up. But as long as they associate with known alcoholics, who have a history of psychosis, brain swelling, and false accusations, which could easily be proven as fabrications to suit their image (or used to file paperwork with the courts that basically consist of "CHECK ALL THE THINGS!!!" like its their own personal army only to get pissy when the judge, sorry judges... because they have done this multiple times to multiple people across years, sees right through their bullshit and drops the case) while barely able to keep a straight narrative, there is no 'chapter' that should be taken seriously. This is doubly true for any band that associates with them

Person 1: do you know about the pyrate punx?

Person 2: you mean how they dont have any integrity, and are perfectly fine being blatant hypocrites? Yeah, its best to just avoid those punk cosplay posers like the plague.

by PyratePunxPromotePhakePhonies January 13, 2025