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heart radiator

your heart radiator is a special person who has melted all the ice off your heart and continues to keep your heart warm. A special person who has taught you the true meaning of love and opened up your heart to allow it to give love and receive love. your heart radiator is someone incredibly incredibly special to you and your heart.

Dillon Jordin is my heart radiator

by annabannamannana June 20, 2010

Radiator Chop

A cut of meat (usually beef or pork) that has been marinated in antifreeze. Usually given to a neighbor's obnoxious dog that seems to bark all day and night for no apparent reason.

Wife: WTF is that dog barking at now? Its 2:30 in the morning!

Husband: Yeah no shit, this is getting on my last nerve.

Wife: I think we should strongly consider giving that dog a radiator chop in the near future...

Husband: Hells yeah, I'm down.

by BiggTunaFish June 8, 2012

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Glossing the Radiator

A phrase used by Squeeth, a regular poster on the IMDB forums, meaning that he was having a wank.

I was glossing the radiator in the hall.

by Governor Frontbottom April 25, 2009

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Baghdad Radiator

When someone pees in another person's mouth and they spit it back on their face and chest.

they gave each other the baghdad radiator

by tiger3314 September 26, 2010

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Radiator Hose

A large curved knob typical of Ogre sized men. Their cocks tend to sway back and forth in a pendulum style motion while playing sports, particularly basketball, and end up scoring on their opponents basket while in the process of double dribbling.

Hey Orge! Why don't you get that radiator hose out of your hand and get help Head and I?

by Michael Moynihan October 23, 2012

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radiation taco

What you feed your roommate because your a tranny~Mexican who has cancer. Hoping he gets cancer too & comes with you to the grave.

Rob: "Esther better lay off those Radiation Tacos, she doesn't have that many bandanas left!"

Girl: "What color coffin does she want?"

by RizzJizz68 March 13, 2017

Radiator sex

This is where it gets very heated in the bedroom

I love radiator sex

by Chygfhjut May 15, 2017