Source Code

Sponge Raft

When a man urinates profusely on the womans couch and proceeds to throw her down and rail her on said couch.

The other day Kirby sponge rafted princess peach on her royal couch until she was glazed in piss.

by Machine Gun Doobie January 21, 2013

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Dog on A Raft

Expression used in place of "It is what it is" and "Fuck it." Used when a situation is beyond your control, but is not too severe to be too worried about. Usually followed by the response "Hey, What can you do?"

Variations of the phrase include "Dog on a Fucking Raft" and "Fucking Dog on a Fucking Raft," depending on the severity of the situation.

Abbreviation: DOAR, DOAFR, FDOAFR

Person One: I went to the bars on Saturday night and spent way too much money.

Person Two: Eh, it's a Dog on a Raft.

Person One: You're right, it's a DOAR.

by KI322DOAR April 21, 2009

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Shit on a raft

Royal Naval terminology for Kidneys in a thick gravy served on toast, usually served for breakfast.

I put a poached cackleberry (egg) on my Shit on a raft this morning.

by Naval Weasel March 22, 2018

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Rivka Rafting

The perusing of a thrift store for long turbulent hours. Often happens in a climate with heavy precipitation.

"ah shit, my pants ripped!"
"Brah, relax. just go rivka rafting later"

by sammy webster November 20, 2009

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Raft Pumpkin

1. When your farts are so ripe that you lose all your friends in a Wal-Mart.
2. When there's a fart queued to come out and you sneeze, forcing the fart out while your butthole is clenched and it tears your asshole in half.

1. Guts; "What's wrong with that guy?"

Griffin; "He was riding high but then he hit a raft pumpkin..."

2. "I was sitting on my aunt's couch and I power-pumped a raft-pumpkin."

And that is how you make scrambled eggs!

by Duke aka Dukenstein 3D June 10, 2018


to get raped

she got rafted

by admin192837465 July 21, 2008

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randy raft

(as so taken from Cosmopolitan mag no joke it even has pictures) Climb onto a well inflated raft in shallow water and lie on your stomach with your butt and legs dangling off the edge. Your man should grab onto your thighs as if he were pushing a wheelbarrow and enter your poon and or ass. He can then pullyou incredibly close for the deepest possible penetration.

"I randy rafted that bitch up and down coast"

by TittleMcbigbutt August 9, 2006

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