A sexy beast 👅
Gurl 2: It’s definitely rayden
A word used to describe the best Girl you could ever meet. She is hot, loving, sweet kind, caring , and gentle isn't an exaggeration. She can be so sweet, cute, and her smile is just so amazing, that you might just drown in happiness while near Her. She is known to be really kind , She is polite humble , She rarely has outbreaks but when she does it is the meanest of all. She loves music, writes songs, and in every way is perfect. Anyone is lucky enough to find a Rayden should never let her go, When she says She loves you , she means it , She is the greatest human you’ll ever have the privilege to know. She is the epitome of a gentle and is the most charismatic person you’ll ever meet. A Rayden has a big heart and has a loving emotion for animals , When she is sad or in anger she can do anything. This is the name of a very kind, attractive, and extremely intelligent lady. She may face times were she loses things she values, such as a career, and it may take time to regain it, but when regained, it will bring joyous times her life. Rayden is an amazing friend and has a great sense of humor. Rayden cares for her friends even if she doesn't show it.If you ever find a Rayden , Never let her go , She is the best you could ever get .
Him: I wish I could have Rayden She is my dream girl
Somehow has a huge penis even tho hes asian. School would be terrible without him. Has a meaty thirst for pussy turkish boys. Looks like kim jong un.
Rayden stop sucking that dick
Somehow has a huge penis even tho hes asian. School would be terrible without him. Has a meaty thirst for pussy turkish boys. Looks like kim jong un.
Rayden stop sucking that dick