This mean when you go out and hunt the majestic, beautiful, RHINO 🦏. HE IS A BIG BOY THAT NEED TO STAY ALIVE. You are a cruel and unusual person if you don’t have a legitimate reason to hunt the baby.
Dude, don’t hunt rhinoceros.
An odor so foul and disgusting it can cause one to vomit violently and destroy a city block.
Larry walked into the primate house at the zoo and exclaimed “it smells like rhinoceros ass in here!” He headed for the nearest garbage can where he proceeded to puke his guts out.
morbidly obese person in a compact car.
What do you call pre-Subway Jared driving a Honda Civic hatchback?
A rhinoceros in a refrigerator box.
When two fully erect men lay on their backs, scissor their legs together until their balls touch, and a woman mouts both penises allowing for simutaneous penitration of the anus and vagina.
"I'll tell you Michael, there is no one I would rather Vertical Rhinoceros my wife with."
"I agree, your smooth shaved balls rubbing against mine really add to the experience, John."
Is when you are having anal sex and you donkey punch your girl and the anus tightens and you rip your dick out and the skin is off and you ejaculate in her mouth.
" Bro I just had a rainbow rhinoceros last night dude!"