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Kid Robb

One who does not know one's nationality.

Are you a Greek, Aussie, or Spanish bastard today, Kid Robb?

by Right I'm here. November 4, 2003

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Robb Salad

It's a cluten free salad for so called vegetarians who eat eggs.

She claims to be a gluten free vegetarian but she eats eggs. The other day I saw her order a Robb Salad.

by achundo July 6, 2009

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Felix Percy-Robb

Felix Percy-Robb is that guy who hangs around with you even though you don't like him and think he is a weirdo. He is also gay. He never makes any friends due to him being ugly and annoying. On the other hand, his brother is really hot.

Wow. i hate that guy, he's such a Felix Percy-Robb

by some hot ginger guy March 17, 2022

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One who doesn't survive the Game of Thrones.

"Hey man, where's Robb at?"
"Oh...Robb got stabbed."

by agirlnamednoone May 17, 2023

robb Williams

A robb Williams is typically a term used to describe a man that is small in stature , overly zealous, and jealous by nature.
Has been known to possess smaller than average manhood and commands little to no respect.

Thatโ€™s not a man, thatโ€™s a robb Williams!

by Fonnigans April 27, 2024

Leo robb

A man that likes to playing fortnite and he has a pistol in his house he is a mass murderer

Leo robb is a mass murderer that plays fortnite

by Leo robb stalker June 3, 2023

AnnaSophia Robb

If perfect was a person, it'd be her. There is noone like her,never will be. She's just perfect.

"If you don't like AnnaSophia Robb ,you might as well come out as gay." - Ottersarepoggers

by Ottersarepoggers November 22, 2021