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Formerly a great game, with all kinds of mature people and interesting things to do, now after jagex partnered up with
miniclip, a website whose target viewers are 8-12, it's become a disaster area. I can't count on my fingers and toes the many times I was either called a noob, the many times I was challenged to fights in real life, and the times I was just literally treated like shit. Come on, I went there to get away from shit I have to deal with in real life, and put up with twice as much if the shit. It used to be where you could discuss all kinds of real life events, like religion and politics, now its

"Dood, u get the new yu-gee-oh cardz"
"Ya, dere totaly awesom!!"

Jagex just loves to baby...ahem, I mean, cater to the newbs and remove the things that made Runescape a fun game to play, to a game that even a newborn could play. I can't even smith in peace now, without being called a noob or teased or something like that.
Another thing. Everything awesome is for the members only. I was a member for a short time, and hell, it was a GREAT experiance. Almost everone was mature there, had some sort of decency, then it ran out. And I was awakened to how FUCKING HORRIBLE free play is. Nothing there but

"Free stuf plz, I juzt died,"
"Mony plz,"
"Looking for hot, rich bf/gf,"
"Can u get me quest itms plzzzzzz?"

Now I don't mind newbies, I can help them out with quests, but when they start with the "Fauk u beyach, I pwn u in reel life an dis game!!!!!111one one," that shit ain't gonna fly with me! The graphics are so horrible, you would wanna rip your eyes out! Too much lag and glitches, the combat system is dreadful, and I don't give a floppin flippin, flyin fuck if it IS Java! Jagex, unless you can take action with the community and the lag and glitches, you ain't gettin my money, and when all the older people quit, you had better prepare to do so.
..Put shortly, what once was a kick-ass game, now sucks ass.

An average Runescape moment,
"Fauk u biatch, u wanna go, n00b? I pwnz0r u in reel life AND here, i ownz ur mom, lolololololololol!"
"Free stuff plz, I just started and Ima n00b!"

by OnePissedOffGuy June 4, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


MMORPG in which the user must make his avatar perform difficult and/or borring tasks. eg. dragonslaying, mining 10,000 coal, fishing trout, ect. again and again and again. often captures the user soul with its mind captivating powers. almost as addicting as crack, heroine and acid....... put together. CBC has started running adds to warn children of the dangers of playing runescape. The surgeon general is currently formulating a warning that will be desplayed on all runescape site and parafanalia.

Scene- mother and son in car driving down the road.....
30 secounds pass.
"another missed oppurtunity to talk to your kids about runescape."

by matt May 6, 2005

690๐Ÿ‘ 362๐Ÿ‘Ž


If I may interject with some sense...
Yes, I dislike runescape. I'm not thick enough to mindlessly sit slumped on a chair whileing away the hours watching my 'character' endlessly hack at a collection of blocks that is meant to be a tree. However, I do not try to force this view upon everybody. Not everybody who plays runescape is a nerd. Conversely, not all nerds play runescape! I used to play runescape and I met some genuinely friendly people. But I did also meet quite a few d*ckheads.
My view is, weirdly, that you are entitled to your view. However, PLEASE, PLEASE, consider your own wellbeing - runescape consumes your entire life!!
I have met some runescape addicts in the 'real world' (an idea that many of the aforementioned addicts find hard to understand) and I was stunned at their lack of intelligence. One in particular (naming no names) would always come up to me and start talking at me about 'rs' as if I cared. So, not wishing to upset him, I would drop him hints to try and make him SHUT UP (it was really that exasperating). A normal person would most likely have understood, but he just plouhed on, blissfully unaware of the fact that I was within inches of grabbing the nearest metal girder and clobbering his head until he ceased to be. Other nerds I have met seem unable to grasp the concept that I might actually *gulp* HATE their beloved runescape. The example below demonstrates.
In conclusion, Many people who play runescape are friendly, popular people. Unfortunately, the majority are brain-dead, square-eyed, friendless, lifeless, irritating, boring, miserable, freaky and altogether pathetic wimps, nerds and geeks.
Now, about that example...

Me; I've told you many times before, I don't care about what kind of virtual armour you have. I HATE RUNESCAPE!!!
Nerd/Addict; But I've got full rune!!
Me; Do I look like I give a toss?
Nerd/Addict; It's really cool, see, cos I've got like, like, 200k!
Nerd/Addict; But I've got full rune!!
Me; AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!......

by Douglas Henderson April 4, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Addictive game that warns you about playing it to begin with: RUN. ESCAPE.

Runescape is addictive, I should have run and escaped.

by LazyAPES July 11, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Well I've read enough examples and definitions about Rs, and I'd have to say that, at least for me, it all wasn't so bad. Mind that I'm a girl but I don't think there's much difference when it comes to game addction. Rs did get addicting at some stage but I was able to control it. I've been playing it for around 3,5 years by now and at some point in my life I had to quit cause of my studies. I quitted for a year and felt fine. Now it's summer and I'm playing again :)

If you ask me what I like about Rs, the answer would with no doubts be "the people". I got lucky with my online friends. But we chat - Rs or Msn or Skype, anything, we dream of meeting IRL. I remember having so much fun with them, laughing literally on the floor of our jokes and stories. Maybe that was the thing that saved me from losing my life. And I'm REALLY thankful for that. And for people who "made" my game.

So if you are about to start playing - then prepare to control yourself. Otherwise fights with your family, no real social life, getting fat and unhealthy will become your problems.

If you are already having trouble with Rs - stop it. Just stop. Ask yourself - what it gives you? It gave good friends to me. But I don't need Rs to talk to them anymore:) Just stop. Start LIVING. Pl0x. :)

"What the hell!! I have 99 Cooking!" - said the girl eventually burning another toast.
This is Runescape.

by Santatum August 3, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Well, most of you who hate this game only hate it because you where addicted to it at some point in your life. I admit i was addicted to it when i was like 10 and i played until i was 12, i had about 3 friends playing on the account as well and it got to level 118 (a very high level in runescape). My account got banned and i made a new one and started to play again and i thought to myself wtf am i doing take a brake and play it again in about 2 years and see if u still like it. So i did this, two years have now passed and i see that this game is a good game but addictive, but very good for yourself if you use it right. Do all thing social and play when your bored and NEVER ON THE WEEKENDS, go outside and play with your friends or girl friends when they ask. After the two years i have started playing again and made a pure with 60 attack and strength and only play for about 4 hours a week at the max. This game is good it teaches you real life skills. I advise to play it, but if you find yourself playing it all day and your parents yelling at you to get of FUCKING LISTEN TO THEM K?. Don't be a fag on the game scam people and pretend to be a girl to get free STOOF of nerdy freaks. So on the whole, the game is a good game, play it, don't play it to much, do everything social, have a life, have fun, have a good life :). Cheers just a few suggestions to the addicted or to be addicted players of runescape.

-Scene at School in year 9
James: Fuck man i died last night, im going to have to play all weekend to get my STOOF back.
Bob: OMG MAN, you serious i got 99 smithing last night :).
Me: Sup nerds
Bob: Im not a nerd..
James: I think im king im not a nerd...
Me: I heard you all talking about runescape, 99 smithing and you have a cry cus u died thats pretty sad.
Me: Whatever i dont care, but get a life, and try looking at a person of the oppisite sex is real life, there more addicting than runescape, trying doing both if u see someone.
James: Fuck of Cunt
Bob: Fuck you dickhead

Later that night..

James: I think he was right, im going ring bob and talk to him
Bob: I was thinking the same thing lets organise to go to the beach with some mates and see if they can take along some chicky babes.
James: Sounds good

At school the next day.
Bob: Hey blake wanna go to the beach on the weekend
Blake: Nar, sorry ill ruin my rep hanging around nerds
Bob: I thought seriously about runescape i dont play it as much
Blake: Wtf is runescape
Bob: Oh umm...
Blake: Nar kidding with yah ill go
Bob: Sounds cool James is going to
Blake: COOL!
Bob: Know any girls.
Blake: nar

(A girl called emma (who had a crush on bob before he got addicted runescape (not played its a differnce) and was anti social person) was listening into there conversation at school and hearing that Bob had made freinds with blake and only played runescape a bit, walked up to them.

Emma: Heyy guys, ill go to the beach with you ill take some friends.
Blake: Coooool ill bring some other guys aswell.
Bob: we can go back to my house for a party after
Emma: sure we all will

On the weekend instead of playing runescape all weekend, they went to the beach and had then then had a party and had the best fun of there life. The next emma asked bob out, and bob said yes and they are still together now.

See what restricting your time on runescape can do :):):):):):)

by Teh Silent August 26, 2008

47๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž



1. To go all out sexually, almost rape-like but with consent.

2. To pound or drill into ones sexual partner, usually done by the male, or dominant male.

Other uses:

On the set of an orgy scene:

Chad (Before penetration): "Let's runescape this bitch!"

Jenny, to her best friend: "Eric totally runescaped me last night. I was bleeding!"

Allen: "Dude, I can't talk on the phone right now! I'm being runescaped!"

by AntZnPhatJ December 14, 2009

62๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž