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Salamander Man

The guy on the filthy frank show


by DarthD3m0n January 11, 2016

41👍 5👎

Satisfied Salamander

sal•a•man•der |ˈsaləˌmandər|

noun, vulgar slang.

oral stimulation of a man's penis to the point of ejaculation, as ejaculating the man removes his penis and proceeds with his ejaculation while aiming for his partners nose. If successful the male's reproductive fluid will go up his partners nose and down the throat. His partner will then cough up the man's semen and will look like a "Satisfied Salamander"


Satisfied: Latin, satisfacere ‘to content,’
Salamander: Greek, salamandra

Hey, baby. Have you ever heard of a "Satisfied Salamander"?

by Ryamnocerus March 3, 2010

174👍 36👎

Salamander Man

A half-man half-salamander species. He is on the Filthy Frank Show. He is cool enough to know how to play the recorder with his nostril. Says nyes almost all the time.

Frank: wait, is that Salamander Man
Pink Guy: No, dat ees mcdonalds
Salamander Man: NYESSSSS

by AwesomeIzzy012345 December 19, 2019

12👍 1👎

Salamander Sunrise

When a man covers his penis in ketchup, and slides it over the face of his partner when the sun rises.

This morning I gave Tiana a salamander sunrise, all over her face

by delivery stud 1979 March 14, 2009

angry salamander

V. When a male shakes his genitals violently as an attack.

The doctor had cold gloves so I angry salamandered his face.

by Princess buttercup January 5, 2014

drain the salamander

when a chick needs to pee. Similar to a dude having to "drain the lizard."

"stop at the next gas station, I need to drain the salamander."

by Rexford February 29, 2008

11👍 1👎

salamander noise

A soft, quiet noise uttered by a person (usually by a girl) to display tiredness, sadness, disappointment, or anxiety. The best way to describe it is "mehh." It can also by used in question form to show subtle or mild interest. (mehh?)

Shelby: "It's getting late, i think we have to go home now."
Marissa: "Mehh." (salamander noise)

by ihatebuffering March 7, 2011