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It's Sampson, Smartypants!

What was said to Thurgood by Sampson in the critically acclaimed and cult status movie, "Half-Baked".

Basically the scene entails Sampson calling Thurgood to set up a meeting with "Mr. Nice Guy", who is the accronym that Thurgood and his friends have decided to use while selling marijuana to bail their friend Kenny out of jail, certainly a movie worth checking out if you havent yet. Hilarious.

Thurgood: Whose this?

Sampson: It's Sampson, Smartypants!, put Mr. Nice Guy on the phone!

Thurgood: (pretending to be operator) "Emergency breakthrough", Sampson its Shiela, Mama fell!

Sampson: Shutup bitch!!

You a real nigga now boy, ol green eyes gonna miss ya!

Kenny: Hey girl, you hungry?

Fat, Nasty Black Girl on the street: Fuck you Nigga !!!

Kenny: I'm sorry I was talking to the horse.

by Apes wearing underwear July 26, 2006

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homer sampson


homer sampson is the dank version of homer simpson

by homer sampson312 November 13, 2018

gloopy sampson

When you are wiping your ass, and you get shit on your finger(s) accidentally.

Trying to wipe off the hanging chad resulted in a vicious gloopy sampson.

It is inadvisable to take a shit in a moving motorhome; you may get a gloopy sampson.

by Mag1ci4n December 19, 2007

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Sampson Tsai

Sampson Tsai (1954~2001) was a very famous dancer that is born in Taichung city, South Taiwan Nation and is known for showing off his sexual organs while he dances. He is known for his role as Roses in a tragedy stage show called "Titanfinica". The show is about the main male Jack Crano Wu III and female character Roses Head Dickerson . Falls in love with an ship called Titanfinica. After Titanfinica his fame increased a lot ,because he is the first stage show actor that play a role for female character

Sampson Tsai is a very famous dancer the death of him is a true tragedy.

by JHSADJGKHSDJGKHSAKJ September 30, 2017

Kevon Sampson

Biggest dickhead in the whole world

U are such a kevon sampson

by Brendan August 7, 2004

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Ryan Sampson

Jewish bastard. smokes crack, likes boys and pennies.

It's a Jew!
It's a guy!
It's Ryan Sampson

by King Pope Porn March 24, 2009

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tyre sampson

A 14 year old who died to fall damage in florida

Hey watch out you dont want to be the next tyre sampson

by tyre sampson March 28, 2022

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