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Wye aye man. Ama Scouser from Liverpool innit? sure thats gordie, never mind. Not all scousers are twats however about 90% are, nice people include ken dodd and the beatles.

On the contrary people are simple scared of scousers because they talk to you. i.e on the train "mind if i read that paper you've finished with?" in liverpool "sure mate" in london "oh my god someone's talking to me on the tube arrrrrrrrrrrr"

Most do where lacoste, and lots of gold, shame, some do steal cars, most sell drugs, that's the only reason people get shot - but then surly liverpool has a fairly low gun and car crime rate compared to some places.

alright der lad

by Jmckeown November 21, 2003

87๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


As everyone has said, a scouser is someone from Liverpool. Like all cities, Liverpool has its scum but I have to say they were colourful and well-mannered. When I stayed there in 1991 I witnessed a branch of Dixons being broken into one night but the thieves were all very polite. They wished me good evening as I went past and went to pains to ensure I wasn't hit by any flying glass from the window they were breaking. I felt this was a very nice touch.

"Oh no! Someone has broken my car window and nicked the radio! But at least they swept the broken glass up - They must be a scouser!"

by Bob Sometimes March 23, 2005

68๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who was born in liverpool yet has moved very far away,and goes on about how fantastic the place is and how the people of liverpool are the best in the world yet they wont ever go back because in reality its a shit hole full of smackheads theives and layabouts who blame everone else for their shit lives when its their own fuckin fault,scousers all walk with the same cocky swagger so you can tell the theives on building sites and in shops,

pissed up scouser in a bar in austraila sprouts how fuckin great liverpool is,
best city in der world laa
" well fuck off back then you scouse twat"

by tangering dream March 31, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


i hate the way wools go on about scousers it really annoys me. If half of the stupid greasy heded gelled haired scals actually got their facts right then they would realise that 70% of the crime rate is actually in manchester/ warrington areas an not in liverpool! so the next time a wool calls u a scal or ses "go an rob a car" tell them to fuck off an go an wash there greasy permed haired an to go an get it dyed agen cos the roots are down to their ass! Wools wear baggy jeans an footy shirts wich just dont go an big sketcher trainers with big chunky light up heals on the bottom also last years fashion coats with there hair gelled bak so it wont move out of place for two centurys an have light blue eyeshadow on with big hop earings an two dangly peaces of hair down the side of their face an not forgetting the famous "hoodies" wich luk an absoloute show an jus luk scruffy so all u wools can fuk off hu skit scousers an am sure thereare sum wools hu are nice in fact i no there are wools hu r nice but scousers are nice too so dont fuking forget it!!!nobs

wool: "haha say funky chicken haha hehe"
Scouser: er no go an wash ye hair ye scruff

by kate June 27, 2004

63๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


an inhabitant of the ridiculously over stereotyped liverpool, used by outsiders such as "mancs" (pl.mancs, also see "dirty nazi inbred vermin"), as a derrogative towards its northern neighbour, to shield the truth that the mancs live in a crumbling, run-down shithole, reminisence from the industrial revoluton, full of wife beating barbaric monkeys, crime-rate to make L.A look like a neighbourhood watch area, and murdering GP's, so that may feel better, THINKING that there is a place much worse than where they are stuck... when in fact the mancs are only describing what they are. most of the definitions for "scouser" on this page are actually definitions for the word "manc", so let them type thier total bullshit and do not retaliate, safe in the knowlege that they only

e.g. by eck our kid, i cant understand a fookin word of that up there coz im an addidas shellsuit bottom wearing crack smoking granny stabber of a manc with 3 brain cells!!! MAD FER'IT!!

by hanz weiss December 14, 2003

78๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone from liverpool who through the tv programmes "bread" and "boys from the blackstuff" has been represented as an unemployed, theiving caricature.

i am from liverpool and can clarify that i have never worn a lacoste shellsuit. on the other hand i have stolen many cars in the past and if ain't nailed down....

reading through the previous posts it's nice to know how much we are hated, an achievment in itself. thanks.

owen..... 1-0

by soul boy December 3, 2003

51๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


a strange being, who has a bitter jealous of mancunians. usually lazy, small, ginger, speak like non educated fools and have a strane way about never accepting any form of blame. please remember, they are always right, always inocent, yet everyone else isnt; that is there terrible mentality

hilsbrough a disaster, "blame the fucken police lah!! justice!!!!"

heysell, where scousers murderd 39 italians "god those itaes are fucken cunts lah, we didnt do nuffin it was a fucken tragedy lah"

by fhisthebest April 8, 2006

87๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž