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Somebody who has worked their way up to a high level and can be classed as senior. Someone who deserves respect as senior man/woman.

Can also refer to older members of our society.

Anthony; Go and clean up over there please
Timmy; Ok you are more senior than me

by Maverick Corleone January 20, 2007

446๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž


A disease that occurs when high school seniors have applied to and/or been accepted to college. Senioritis cripples any and all drive to do homework, and seniors replace homework time with activities like parties, pranks, and reading about senioritis on Urban Dictionary.

I got senioritis after finishing my application; why would I want to write an essay for English? Let's go play tag.

by comintern December 14, 2009

100๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun. A functional disorder usually affecting high school and college seniors "close" to graduation. Symptoms include : laziness, apathy, mass consumption of McDonald's and Americanized Mexican food, wasting large quantities of time on facebook, Instagram and Twitter, narcolepsy, absence of school materials, depression thinking about the next four years of school, diarrhea from eating too much Americanized Mexican food, loss of purpose, excessive partying and beer pong, reckless sexual behavior, sweat pants, beanies, non-matching socks (or shoes), non- aggressive aggressiveness towards school, nappy hair, ridiculous procrastination, neglect of hygienic activities, catching up on sleep, average GPA dropping by one or more points, dehydration and increased urination from binge drinking.

I got on my computer to do chemistry homework, but then I went to urban dictionary to see if my lack of motivation in anything was senioritis.
I found out I have senioritis, so then instead of doing my chemistry homework, I wrote the bajillionth definition of senioritis on urban dictionary.
I now had time to do my chemistry homework, but proceeded to edit my definition of senioritis on urban dictionary instead.

by Choborr November 30, 2014

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Senioritis is a colloquial term used in the United States and Canada to describe the decreased motivation toward studies displayed by students who are nearing the end of their high school careers. By definition, Senioritis is not due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition such as hypothyroidism or insomnia but is typically said to include: slowness, procrastination, apathy regarding school work, a feeling of entitlement or privilege and a tendency toward truancy, increased drug use, malingering or feigning illness in order to avoid presence in a school setting, cognitive impairments, and changes in sleep patterns. Many high school students find themselves in a type of lame duck situation: their plans are made and a new chapter in their life is about to begin, so finishing the current chapter (the current term separating them from graduation) becomes just a formality or "holding pattern." Even though high school seniors tend to be the bulk of the victims, high school juniors and sophomores are also known to have it.

Senioritis usually results in a withdrawal from school-related extracurricular activities and school spirit events and a reduced concern for social acceptance, instead focusing on graduation (and the end of compulsory school) in June and/or acceptance to college in September. It can also manifest as increased social and extra-curricular activity, which comes at the expense of academic duties, with the student preferring to "have fun" rather than work academically.

Jenny contracted Senioritis and began to smoke pot and skip classes. She failed all of her courses because of her lack of motivation.

by Sayuri T. February 7, 2008

103๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


illness that generally strikes high school seniors; some symptoms of this illness include procrastination, laziness, excessive absences and tardies, skipping class, a change in normal attire, (ex. over use of extremely casual friday), senior pranks and multiple, multiple senior skip days. the only known cure for this bizarre illness is graduation.

why aren't you in school today?

bad case of senioritis..

by wnhogan December 10, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


By far, probably one of the best year out of all four.
Pretty exciting, everyone wants to be you, full of great

Class of 2009 seniors is taking over the world!

by Jazminfggo January 15, 2009

339๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž


When we reach senior year, we just don't give a damn anymore. it's over. we're better than EVERYONE, including the school's staff. We're unbeatable and immortal until August when we become freshmen again.

-You and 26 of your closest friends pile into a girls' purple hand-me-down minivan, stop at another friends house, steal alcohol and proceed to your basement to play beer pong and take shots. All before 11:30 am.

-"Wait, where is this cafeteria you speak of? is it anywhere near McDonald's?"

-"How do you cure Senioritis?!"

"Not sure man, hit this L while we ponder that thought."

by vivishayurbnbn January 4, 2008

328๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž