Man of his words....pure soul...a genuine friend...a talented’s born fighter....fearless lion...full of cuteness with charming perfect idol to stan....heartbeat of #Sidhearts ....❤️💜❤️
Sidherats ki dhadkan sidharth shukla
Someone who gets bullied alot irl and tends to get into meaningless fights with e-people.
Poor Vraj Shukla, got bullied again. Wonder why he's acting all arrogant for no reason at all.
He is Amazing
Very Helpful
Down to Earth
Always Away from Fake Persons
Very Optimistic
Who is Divyanshi's friend?
Look there , He is Akash Shukla
1. The man who knows he's capable of doing it all. He can do things with, and without a team. He's tall, smart, good-looking and funny. He doesn't require help to do it all and knows what the world consists of.
2. A person who won't express everything in his mind, but will always hope for the best. Tired, sober, and ready to fight, an Atharva is prepared for it all.
3. The kind of person we all need to be. Someone who isn't pathetic, mean, or even always wrong. He can fight his fears, and is proud of his achievements. Atharva won't cry, but will make the pain cut him through. This man is the true friend.
Hey look, he's so Atharva Shukla. Let's go talk to him, I hope we can be friends.
Look, they fought with you, just be an Atharva Shukla.
A white ass nigger who loves a lesbian yellow girl then moved onto a whitie in 8th grade math
shivansh shukla is an opp
Aditya SHukla has 69 million IQ he liKEs GiRls but under a limit if u say him bhai/bhiya/Shuklaa (dont fuuckk my Surrname other wise u will have new sibling after 9 monTHss ;) nd he is gooD at most of Work like 99.96 percent he is PRio nd i have snakes not animals i meant by huMans..btw look 4 gf anyone here??
Aditya shukla has 6 BeTi!!!
A perfect blend of brains and stength. He is a rare piece to find. A shy guy with no ego and a kind hearted man with cares for other. He thinks only about lucky girl he loves and no one else. He is sooo perfect guy that you will fall in love with him almost instantly.
Vaibhav Shukla👍👍 is a perfect man who cares evryone with awesome peesonality.