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When you shove a cough drop up a dog's ass

"I'm gonna shwoop my dog tonight."

by Dink117 November 19, 2019


(1) (n). A type of sound, usually made by wind
(2) (adj) The way a piece of cloth, or hair (usually bangs) is formed; usually in a curling way that resembles the combination of a cowlick, curl, and a wave.

(3) That act of causing something (usually hair) to form a combination of a cowlick, curl, and wave.

(1) The enclosed air made a loud shwoop as the airlock opened into the empty space.

(2) The blue shwooping curtains illuminated the room so that it created an ambiance of elegance and swagger.

(3) After hours of combing my hair, I finally got it to shwoop in the right direction.

by Persian_ March 17, 2016