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To conduct a knife attack on an opponent or team mate while playing Call Of Duty.

When your opponent dies from a knife attack you would scream "SICE" into the headset so you team mates would know.

Throwing knives are also sice-worthy.

"Yo guy, I'm about to sice the sniper camping at the top of the hill". as I walk over to his position, i maneuver my way behind him and then, "SICE" !!!

by Modern Warfare 2 player October 25, 2010

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A very harsh but humorous insult used on that person who is ruining the overall vibe of a situation and everyone wants to leave.

Similar to The Anti-Christ, but it is The Anti-Sice.

Person 1: "Hey DUDES what's happenin' over yonder?!?!"
Person 2: "Fuck off, you are The Anti-Sice."

by Frubens October 2, 2012

Sice Age

(noun.) When a series of events that yields extreme benefit to one or a group of people occurs in somewhat of a chain reaction

(noun.) When someone verbally illustrates a series of events in an over-exaggerated manner

Joe: Yo man, I got my license, my parents got me a new car to whip, I found $50 in my jeans, got a couple of biddies, and we got a quarter for the weekend.
Charlie: Have we entered the Sice Age?
Joe: Indeed, we have.
Charlie: LEHGOOOO!!!!

Charlie: Dude, did I ever tell you about the time I took that random dude's car, robbed every store in the city, and beat up Chuck Norris?
Joe: Dude, step out of the Sice Age.

by Cadillac_Kenlak April 12, 2011

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butt siced

being siced about eminent getting of ass, or just being excited or about something in general.

She started unbuckling my belt, I was butt siced.

by MartysPooh August 21, 2007

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sice your life

1. A sarcastic phrase, implying that you don't care. Similar to 'Good for you.' Any pronoun can be used in the phrase.

2. The phrase can also be used to genuinely show sympathy for things, similar to the usage of 'That sucks.' This usage usually is preceded by 'well.'

Person A: Hey, look! I just found a dime!
Person B: Well whoop-de-doo, sice your life.
Person A: Hey. Don't be mean. :(


Person A: Where's Tina?
Person B: She had to babysit today.
Person A: Oh...well sice her life. :(
Person B: I know, right?

by RangerD November 11, 2007

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sice that jaunt piece

1. to command a bitch to suck your dick
2. please hand that to me!

1. hey bitch, get over here and sice that jaunt piece!
2. excuse me mom, could you sice that jaunt piece over to me?

by totallyKT August 6, 2007

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The sound of the sword when you slice through something.

โ€œAs he chopped his way through the forest you could hear the sa-sice of his sword in the distance.โ€

by Kokomama January 28, 2019